Masquerade Match-Maker Ball

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Virgil wasn't very eager to go to the party, but he gave in after Roman reminded the emo that he had nothing better to do otherwise. He wasn't surprised that Roman was ecstatic about the party; it was a masquerade ball with a bit of a twist: once they entered the party, their hands would contain the written name of whom they're meant to kiss and, even if they weren't actively looking for the person, they're still drawn together like a cookie to milk.

Virgil was wearing a purple mask while Roman was wearing a red and gold mask that sparkled like moissanite. Roman eagerly looked down at his hand and squealed at the name he was given. Virgil wasn't too surprised that Roman ditched him to actively look for the man with the name on his hand. Virgil wasn't all that eager about seeing the name on his hand since he wasn't that eager in attending to begin with. Roman told him that he needed to get out, but he never said he had to dance, so Virgil decided to make the most of that loophole by grabbing something from the snack table and staying as far away from the crowds as possible while trying to tolerate the noise.

Virgil maneuvered his way past the crowds so that he wouldn't bump into anyone. He noticed that there were some cupcakes as well as other choices on the snack table. Since Virgil wasn't feeling relaxed and his identity was concealed, he found himself stress-eating for a while. Despite how he looked, he was cautious about how much he ate.

"Increase in appetite?" he heard from behind him.

Virgil saw the voice come from a man with a fancy suit and dark blue mask. He felt self conscious and stsrted to put some snacks back.

"Oh, no, don't do that. I don't judge. But, I must ask if it's out of stress or PMSing," the man asked.

"Well...I'm a cis male and I binge when I'm stressed. I'm trying to stop," Virgil explained.

He offered the man one of the two cannolis still in his hand and the man took it.

"So, would you benefit from going somewhere quiet?" the man asked.

Virgil nodded due to briefly losing his ability to speak. The man led Virgil to an elevator which brought them to the second floor. It looked similar to the first floor, but there weren't as many people and the music was fainter.

"So, what brings you here?" Virgil asked.

"My roommate threw the party as his personal matchmaker festival. I was dragged into it, basically," the man answered.

"Guess we're in the same boat. A...friend of mine is a huge romantic and ditched me as soon as he saw his hand," Virgil responded.

They sat at a table by a balcony overlooking the city. Virgil gazed at the view, but he was also finding little things that he liked about the man he was chatting with: how his hair was slightly messy and yet always fell back into place, the smirk on his face, how smart he sounded, how equally awkward he was, the freckles on his hand that almost looked like a constellation. Although he didn't give it much thought before, Virgil slightly hoped that the name on his hand is the man's name.

The music grew fainter and Virgil and the man decided to go back downstairs.

"So...would you like to accompany me to a movie or stargazing?" the man asked.

Virgil felt his face flush and was struggling to speak. Pretty soon, he found his words.

"I'd love to, but...I don't know who you are..." Virgil responded while glancing away.

He felt a grasp to his hand and looked at the man smiling at him.

"Who should go first?" the man asked.

Virgil took a deep breath. The man did so much to make the party more enjoyable for him, so he thought it would be fair to be brave. Virgil carefully removed his mask revealing his eyeshadowed eyes.

"My name is Virgil," he said.

The man showed an expression of shock and subtle glee.

"Virgil...Vanta?" he asked.

"How did you know?" Virgil asked the man.

The man removed his own mask and replaced it with a pair of glasses from his pocket. He revealed his hand that said "Virgil Vanta" on it before saying "My name is Logan". Virgil was surprised by the discovery and looked at his own hand. It had the name "Logan Anderson" on it.

"Logan...Anderson?" Virgil asked.

Logan nodded and took out a notecard and pen. A few seconds of Virgil being surprised later, Logan handed over the notecard and Virgil blushed as he saw it had Logan's number on it.

"Oh, thank you. So, can I text you to arrange" Virgil asked.

"Sure, I'd enjoy hearing from you," Logan responded.

Virgil took another deep breath and kissed Logan. Instead of pushing away, Logan kissed back and pulled Virgil closer.

Pretty soon, they were leaving for their homes and Virgil texted Logan to confirm the phone number. Not only did he get a response from Logan, but he also got a long text from Roman about finding his prince at the party.

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