Rainbow King

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King Thomas summoned all 7 of his heirs and, as they could all see, he wasn't in the best of moods.

"My heirs, I'm feeling mighty down. Since you're all of age, whichever of you can cheer me up will get to wear my crown."

After the short announcement, the royal heirs rushed off in different directions to find ways to cheer their father up. Funny enough, King Thomas considered passing down his role in order to travel as an activist to better the lives of various people, but he felt a sudden emotional drain before he could ever announce his intentions.

The first heir, Patton brought the King 7 oyster pearls from the bottom of the China Sea. Patton explained that, in the right light, they shine as bright as Thomas's smile. Before he could continue, though, all the oysters flung onto Thomas and bit him on different parts of his body.

The second heir, Logan, arrived with a cart of 7 statues of attractive men with clocks where their stomachs should be. Logan explained that it would help the King with productivity and give him dopamine as he checks the time. King Thomas wouldn't have minded except for the fact that the clocks ticked and tocked too loud for his liking.

The third heir, Roman, came in with a bag of 7 rubies from the sheikdom Down There Beneath. As if reacting from a brain fart, King Thomas bit down on all the rubies and broke off 7 of his teeth.

"Ouch! These cherries are quite hard!" King Thomas said as politely as he could after he spat out the rubies.

"Actually, Father, those were rubies, not cherries," Roman explained.

After King Thomas got himself some ice for his teeth, his fourth heir, Virgil, awkwardly presented 7 sweet grape drops. The King sighed and gently rubbed Virgil's head.

"I'm sorry, son. Since that ruby episode, I just haven't got the chops," he explained, not thinking he should try eating anything again too soon.

The fifth heir, Remus, arrived with a tray of what he described as his custom-made perfume encased in 7 fancy silver jars. King Thomas decided to take a whiff out of curiousity before breaking out in spots and feeling nauseous. What did the perfume smell like? Cheap cigars.

It took quite a while, but the spots eventually left King Thomas's skin. As if on cue, his sixth heir, Derek, approached him with a case.

"In this case, there are 7 diamond rings you can wear upon your toes, Father," Derek claimed.

Luckily for both of them, King Thomas was wearing sandals as he attempted to relax. He was surprised that the rings actually fit on his toes and seemed intrigued even though Derek was 3 rings short. King Thomas walked around to adjust to adjust to them. Unfortunately, a piece of the rug caught on one of the rings and caused the King to trip, sprain his ankle, and bust his nose. King Thomas also heard that the rings weren't even diamond, but a less expensive and shinier equivalent known as moissanite, so the lie didn't improve his mood.

He saw the signature shoes of his seventh heir, Famden, head in his direction.

"Father, appears to me that you could use a little help," they stated.

Famden helped King Thomas to his feet and escorted him to his bedroom. Once they sat the King on the edge of his bed, they provided essentials to take care of his nose and ankle.

"You might want to rest for about a few days and please get some sleep," they suggested.

Before Famden could make it halfway to the door, they turned from the sound of their father call out "Wait!" They turned around, confused, and waited for the King to say something.

"Famden, you win the crown," King Thomas told them.

"What? But, I brought you nothing, Father," Famden tried to counter.

"True, you didn't bring me diamonds or rubies, but you helped me up when I was down."

Famden was flabbergasted by what they heard and decided to kneel before their father as a way of etiquette.

"Take the crown, it's yours, my heir. I hope you don't mind the dents. I got on sale on wish.com; costs me all of 7 cents," King Thomas stated while gently placing the rainbow-hearted crown on his heir's head.

He had always known that his heirs could contribute so much in their own ways, but Famden caring for him assured him that everyone should be looked after by a caring ruler of various skills.

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