Patton's Experiment

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Warnings: sex, kinks

Until Patton allowed Thomas have thoughts that were on the taboo side, he had no idea how boring his mindset was. Why wasn't he the greatest at taking risks? After all, Thomas and everyone else approved when he shattered his expectations of being eternally happy and optimistic, so what's stopping him from experimenting with something that he didn't usually do? In all honesty, he was terrified. Would he be judged if he did some experimenting? What if he got hurt or traumatized from the activities? What if...he liked the activities? Well, it wouldn't be good for Thomas if two of his emotional Sides were drowning in "What ifs". With that in mind, he ventured somewhere in Thomas's mind to help satisfy a really big "What if". Patton felt nervous as he got to the door, but he knocked on it since he prided himself for actually going to the door in the first place.

"Who's there?" a voice called out from behind the door.

Patton carefully opened the door and he was greeted by the sight of Remus being tied to his bed Deceit towering over the Duke. For some reason, the father figure wasn't as surprised by the sight as the two were by the sight of him.

"Ah, Patton, this is completely expected, especially for someone like you," Deceit proclaimed with yellow eyes.

The trash man snapped his fingers and everything was back to normal, well, normal for a more sinister and cold version of Roman's room.

"Well, as you guys might know, I gave Thomas permission to have intrusive thoughts. As a result, I realized that there are some opportunities I've deprived myself of and...I really need your help," Patton nervously explained.

Deceit and Remus looked at Patton and their signature gleams in their eyes were replaced with curiosity. Patton felt his breathing hitch.

"Innocent Patton, what did you seek us out for?" Remus asked as he stroked his finger up and down Patton's chest.

"W-well, after some...research Logan reluctantly provided, I found out about some of your remarks, Remus, and I-I was wondering what kinks I might enjoy," Patton nervously answered while blushing hard.

"Well, if you're sure..." Remus answered in a deep voice that made Patton's pants tighter.

Patton nodded as he looked into Remus's eyes with desperation. Deceit stroked Patton's hair with one of his hands and used the other five to slowly remove Patton's clothing. For some reason, Patton felt he should've felt scared, he just felt more desperate as he felt chills on his exposed skin.

"Riddle me this, Patton, why turn to us and not your Light Side companions?" Deceit asked with curiosity and authority coating his voice.

"The thought...felt so awkward. They wouldn't expect me to have these needs. But, you know not everything is sunshine and innocence. You don't expect me to be-" he was cut off by a moan as one of Deceit's hands gave Patton's member a nice squeeze.

Remus looked at Patton and saw no sign of discomfort, so he gave Deceit a nod and they both escorted the father figure to the bed.

"This must be your first time doing this, so we'll need to make sure you're extremely comfortable," Remus declared before he summoned a bottle of lube in his hand.
After removing what little remained of Patton's clothing, the two Dark Sides removed their own clothing carefully, which only made Patton more desperate than ever, especially when he saw why Remus liked taking two Ds at once.

"Look at him, Dee. He's so desperate already. I don't think he can stand waiting. How about you help him while I stretch him?" Remus suggested.

The snake man agreed and crawled from the foot of the bed up Patton's body, but not without licking Patton's member while he was still below the waist. From such actions, he felt Patton squirming. Patton blushed as he made eye contact with his parallel.

"F-from what I saw before, I th-thought you'd force me into it without warning. B-but you seem like y-you care about me..." Patton looked into Deceit's eyes while speaking.

"Well, sweet bluebird, this is your first time and, even if it wasn't, it isn't fun unless everyone is comfortable," Deceit responded with brown eyes before placing his lips on Patton's ever so gently.

Patton was surprised by the action, but he quickly returned the kiss eagerly. Their tongues danced together in their mouths and Patton moaned from the kiss and being stretched by the Duke. Without much thought, Patton grinded against Deceit's hemipenis and the snake man growled.

"Are you ready to take me?" Deceit asked.

Patton quickly nodded and they all changed position so Deceit was behind Patton and Remus looking at Patton's member hungrily.

"We're going to make you feel so good, Patton," Deceit promised.

Deceit thrusted into Patton's freshly-stretched hole with a slow pace at first for Patton to adjust and beg for more. Patton soon begged for more and Remus savored Patton's leaking member while Deceit increased his thrusting speed while keeping an ear out for begs to stop. They were all moaning messes as Remus continued to savor, Deceit continued to thrust, and Patton continued to bottom. After sooner than they all wanted, they were all covered by a sticky white substance familiar to the Dark Sides, but not to Patton. Remus licked up the substance as Patton was catching his breath.

" was your first time?" Remus asked.

"I...I can't believe I didn't do that sooner," Patton answered as he was seeing stars.

"Well, since you might not be fit to walk right now, we can teleport you back to your room. Just know that we'll always be here if you want to do this again," Deceit told him.

Next thing Patton knew, he was looking at the ceiling of his own bedroom and felt his body coated with fabric. Multiple thoughts went through his mind and he guessed that one of them was an anxious thought since he saw a familiar purple sleeve out the corner of his eye getting closer to him.

"Are you okay, Pop Star?" he heard Virgil ask before said Side sat on the bed.

Patton thought for a little while longer before he sat up on the bed and got a better look at his best friend.

"If I tell you a secret, will you promise you won't be mad?" Patton begged.

Virgil thought about the question before he said "I promise".

Patton told Virgil about his experience with Deceit and Remus without going into a lot of details. Virgil promised he wouldn't be mad, so he just had blank expression.

"Did they hurt you?" Virgil asked, prepared to tear off some heads if Patton said yes.

"They didn't, actually. Deceit was honest when he said that it wasn't fun if everyone wasn't comfortable," the father figure answered.

Virgil knew that it was a fact, but he never thought that Remus or Deceit would care, especially considering how much noise the two of them made when he used to be a Dark Side.

"Should I feel bad for wanting to do it again?" Patton asked.

Virgil noticed the worried expression on his best friend's face. He thought about how Thomas felt when he realized he was gay even though he was raised in a religious household. Though he wasn't able to comfort Thomas, that didn't mean he couldn't comfort Patton, so he held him close and rubbed his back.

"Unless you're ace, it's natural to feel this way, Pat. I just wish we made it comfortable for you to tell us about it first. If you want to continue experimenting with them, I don't see a problem with it as long as they don't make you uncomfortable."

Patton gave a small smile to Virgil and hugged him like Thomas hugged the dog that pinned him to the floor. Virgil made sure to keep Patton's secret and remind him that he didn't see Patton differently. Meanwhile, whenever Patton wasn't busy, he went to Deceit and Remus to help him experiment with his libido.

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