Count Roman and Lord Patton

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One was a descendant of the Ancients, one was a descendant of darkness. One worked with others to destroy existence, one worked with others to save it. No one would've expected a couple like them to feel a true requited love for another, but not everything happens as planned. They planned to elope so many years ago, but Roman's father put a spell on Patton forcing him to be a spirit wandering throughout all of existence until Apollo, a fellow descendant of the Ancients, turned him into a Pixl while he was hanging by a thread. Until recently, it costed him his memory of his and his known identity was "Pepper", unbeknownst to Roman. As far as Roman knew, after endless searching for the love of his life, he used the powers of the Dark Prognosticus to destroy all that took his love away from him and then some with the identity of "Count Wreck".

After a journey of visiting the afterlife, learning of the past as well as the power of the Purity Heart, betrayal, and guilt, the small groups who initially feuded found themselves right back where the Chaos Heart was born: the castle's wedding hall where he forced the fair Princess Valerie to marry the monstrous King Daniel. The Count looked at the rainbow Pixl very seriously.

"Patton, do you still love me, dearest?" he asked.

"Of course I do, Roman. Why would you ask such a thing?" the Pixl responded.

"Then we mustn't stall for time," Roman proclaimed.

"Wait, what're you doing, Count?" Ticker, the brawn, asked.

"You see, we're going to put the Pure Hearts to good use again, but this time, to destroy the Chaos Heart. What strengthens the Purity Heart to its highest potential is true love, which is something I am very lucky to possess. Unfortunately, once the Chaos Heart is gone, those attached to its power may cease to exist as well," Roman responded while ending in a somber tone.

"So you'll go away? But Count Wreck, I don't want you to go!" Dilshad, the Count's youngest minion whined.

"This whole thing is my fault, anyway. I must pay the price," Roman told his loyal minions before turning to his love, "My only regret in doing this is cutting your life short as well, Patton".

"As long as I'm with you, Roman, nothing else matters," Patton reassured the descendant of darkness.

The room shook causing everyone to struggle find support so that they would evade collapse. The trembling was enough to remind the lovers to head up the chapel as quickly as possible...and that they did. The lovers looked at each other longingly almost forgetting that their lives were on the line.

"There was so much that I wanted to say to you, but I couldn't find the right words," the Count admitted.

"Roman, all that matters is here and now. Besides, I forgot to return your question: do you still love me as well?" the Pixl asked.

"Without a doubt. Ever since you disappeared, a day doesn't go by where I haven't thought of you."

"I guess I really mean that much to you, huh?"

"Of course you do. I just hated the pain and suffering I've put you through all those years ago."

"Well, I guess my life would've been more carefree if things were different."

"However, I just had to be with you no matter the cost and I can't apologize for that."

"I know, I understand all to well. I love you, Roman."

"And I love you, Patton. Hundreds of thousands of years from now, that fact will never change."

A rainbow light shined around the pair until it became a golden illumination. Before the pair's eyes, they saw each other slowly manifest into their appearances from when they first met and fell in love, only with Roman in a white and gold tux and Patton in a simple rainbow dress with a white veil. The bells that rang near them were muffled by their focus on each other. They drew closer to each other until they finally kissed and held each other for the first time in over a millennia. They felt multiple things in the kiss: longing, butterflies, fireworks, even the reviving of multiple worlds initially doomed to be eaten by the void created by the Chaos Heart. Once they finally pulled apart to look at each other, they found themselves surrounded by white and saw a gold light in the distance.

"Patton? Remember that promise I made on that day?"

"Yes, you said that if our love had no home, we would spend the rest of our lives finding a place where we could freely be together."

"Would you like to go to that place now?"

"Of course, Roman. I will always be with you."

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