Will You Go With Me?

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"(Y/N)!" Luke hollered your name from the school doorway and began to run after you.

Another long day of stress and ignorant people had finally ended. Now this sweet, bubbly face was here to give you your daily dose of happiness.

"Hey, Lukey," you gave him a silly smile.

"Did you get my message about tonight?" he asked you with concern.

"No." Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Oh," he hung his head and his cheeks turned a rosey color.

"What is it Luke?" 

"Well, Calum's having a party tonight. I was wondering if you would want to go with me?" His face was officially a tomato.

"Yeah! Of course I'll go with you!"

"Oh that's a relief!" He ran his fingers through his hair. Never before had you seen him so nervous. He admitted, "I thought you would've said no."

Why would I say no? "Well, I didn't." You giggled and messed up his hair.

"My fluffa!" He exclaimed and emidiantly tended to his exotic styling. 

"Luke," you paused, "I better get home so I can get ready and study for next week's final."

"Yeah me too," he agreed and kissed your cheek. "See you at eight thirty, love."

Gently, you brought your fingertips up to touch your cheek where he had kissed you. You felt an indescribable sensation in your stomach. Am I gonna throw up or something? No. Wait, I think it's...butterflies? Luke kisses my cheek all the time. Why is this the first time I'm getting them?  You looked up to see Luke rolling away on his skateboard.

You stared at him for a moment. He glared back at you, only to loose concentration and fall down the stairs at the end of the sidewalk into a fountain.

Quickly, you ran over to the edge of the stairs to see the damage. To your amusement, Luke was lying in the fountain his face full of disgust. You tried your hardest not to laugh as you helped him out.

"You're soaking wet!" You grabbed his shirt and felt the water straining out as you twisted it. Doing so lifted up his shirt a bit and you got a glance of his hard rock abs. There's that stupid feeling in my stomach again.

Luke smiled and made an awkward sound. You assumed it was a laugh. "That's what she said."

You slapped him. "Seriously, you'll freeze to death if you ride your skateboard home in this weather." You thought for a moment. "Why don't you take the taxi with me?" Smiling, you yanked his shirt a little, urging him to say yes.

"Alright," he said "How could I say no to that smile?" Luke has come over millions of times before. Why am I so excited?  You took the taxi together and arrived at your house.

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