Chapter five: Run!

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"H-how do you know?" Kyle asked, stepping back. I jump in front of him, ready to block him from anything.

"Your son of a bitch mom told me." He said, laughing. "And I don't think I like the fact that you get to stay home from school because your having some jew rat baby!" He said, pulling out a pocket knife. Both of our eyes widened.

"Looks like I'm gonna have to perform an abortion.." he growled.

At that moment, I grabbed Kyle, and began running, Kyle crying as we ran. We where both scared for the baby's life..

Cartman ran after us, but was a little far behind since he was 'big boned.'

We ran out the back door, loosing him and hiding behind some taller crops of weed.

Kyle was crying, and I rubbed his back. "Shh.. shh.. they're gonna he alright.. I won't let them hurt out baby.." I told him, rubbing his stomach.

"S-Stan.. w-what if he finds us..? W-what if he kills our baby!" Kyle cried. "Shh.. I won't let him.. I'll call the police.." he said.

I pull out my phone, dialing 911z "hello, 911 what's your emergency?" A woman responded.

I explained everything and gave the address.. a couple minutes later I heard the sirens. Within ten minutes, they had Cartman in a police car and had us answer questions.

The woman who asked us questions was nice.. she calmed Kyle down.. after awhile, we where left.

We cuddled on the couch.. Kyle was cuddled into my stomach. "Stan.. can we go see the gender tommorow?" Kyle asked.

I nod, smiling. "Yeah.. of course.." I say. "What do you think the gender will be? I kinda want a girl.." Kyle said, giggling slightly.

"Hmm.. I want a boy.." I say. "I wanna teach him football.."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "I bet its gonna be a girl.."

We began a small, playful argument about the gender. It wasn't heated in anyway, mostly just playful. I wished life could always be like this...


(Kyle's POV)

We sit in the waiting room. "So what about a nursery?" I ask stan. We haven't really done much planning.. but then again where only a couple months in.

"We can start planning to decorate soon, once we know the gender." Stan said. "His room is gonna be awesome.." he chuckled.

"Their room Stan. We don't know the gender yet.." I said.

We get called up, taken to a room, and he does the thing with the wand and color gel on my stomach.

We look at the monitor. "So is it a boy?" Stan asks. "Or a girl?" I chime in.

"Well.." the doctor started. "I can't tell.. their legs are blocking us from knowing.

"What?!" We both exclaim.

"Yeah. Come back in a couple days and we'll check again." He said as he began cleaning up.

"That's it?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah. I'll see you soon. Don't forget to get your gummies on the way out." He said.

I nod slowly, getting up. We exit the room and slowly walk down the hall, an awkward silence following us.

Stan looks as me as I'm handed my gummies. "Well, it could still be a boy, then." He said.

I roll my eyes.
I sigh as I sit down after going for a quick run around the farm- or well, a run down half the fence and back. I always was so tired after any sort of exercise, whether us was running or walking down the stairs.

Stan walked into the room. He just finished actually running around the farm- and somehow, Kyle had twice as much as sweat.

"Kyle, you need to start pushing yourself more.." he tells me. "But I'm tired...!!" I whined, laying on the couch. "This baby makes me tired-!"

Stan sighed. "Well, it's your problem when you have a bunch of baby weight you have to work off." He said, coming over and kissing my sweat covered forehead.

"Staaaaan.." I moan, standing up and wrapping my arms around him. "Just carry me to the bathtub.." I whine.

"Your walking." He said. I look at him with big eyes.. "but staaaaan.. what if I fall?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow. "You do realize there's more of a chance of use falling if I carry you up the stairs." He said.

I groan. "Fine.."

One shower later, with Stan, and we're spooning in bed. Stan had his hands placed on my stomach.

"I think he just kicked." He chuckled. "I believe she did." Kyle said. They still had their opinions on what they think the gender is.

"When is our next appointment?" Stan asked. I think for a moment. "Tommorow, actually. A noon." I responded.

We were anxiously sitting, waiting.. the doctor was rubbing the may I say- very, very cold wand across my stomach. But I didn't care about that.

Me and Stan were holding hands.

"What is it? A boy or a girl..?" I ask.

"Oh! They're legs are open! It's a..."
843 words.
Y'all waited and you have to wait agAin
Comment down what you want the gender to be!

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