Chapter four: magic drink

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(Kyle's POV)

I sit there, silent, trying to take in what I just heard. Did he figure out somehow?!

"I-I um—-" I wasn't sure what to say. Stan was just as unsure as me. I look at him for help, but he shrugs and says nothing.

"You can tell us dude. We won't tell anyone." He says. I sigh. "Yes.." I whisper.

"Oh well. I am too. We know why." Craig said. I gasp. "Wait, really?!"

"Yeah... so remember the drink I gave you? Well that kinda was a pregnancy potion.."

"Wait what?!" I exclaim. "Just come over to my house. I can explain." He said.

"Alright—- see you soon!" I quickly say before hanging up.

Me and Stan get our shoes and jackets on before rushing to Craig's.

Once there, they invited us to sit on the couch. Craig was sitting with his hand on his stomach. His stomach was just as big as mine, maybe a little bit bigger.

He was hook up to some sort of machine. I think it was a heart rate monitor of sorts, along with a doctor messing with it. Craig told him to leave them alone for a bit, so he left into the other room.

"Just ignore the monitor. The doctors had me go on one since the pregnancy started because my heart rate keeps going up super high." He said, sighing.

He was wearing the same thing as me. His boyfriends clothing which was baggy on him, but his stomach still poked through.

"So... what exactly is up with that 'pregnancy potion' as you call it?" I ask.

Craig and Kenny go into explain it,,

It was an urban legend which was on the internet. It wasn't that popular though, since people just thought it was fake—- like most legends of course.

But, they just happened to search up the name on the bottle in hopes of finding more, but what they found was that it was the pregnancy poiton.

Craig had been experiencing symptoms, so they went to the hospital, and he was pregnant.

They remembered I had some—- so they called. So yeah. That's what happened.

Craig's parents where—- angry, yet understanding. Kenny's parents kicked him out, but thankfully Craig's parents let them live with him.


Craig's mom made us some tea and a quick lunch before we headed back home.

"Why am I not surprised this is Kenny fault?" Stan says as we pull into the driveway. I shrug.

"I guess I am too." I say, giggling a bit.

Stan helps me out of the car and we go inside. My mother was just finishing up dinner—- which thankfully my dad was out, so it was weed free.

It was steak covered in a mountain of vegetables. There was was potato's, carrots, some celery—- a lot, and it was covered in some sort of vinaigrette and herbs. It tasted pretty good.

"So are you guys gonna go see the gender soon? It's about that time. Or are you gonna wait till their here?" My mom asked as she loaded some steak and potato onto her fork.

"Where not sure. We haven't even talked about it." Stan says. I just let him do the talking for the most part.

I feel like I might say something wrong, or make Sharon uncomfortable.

"Well if you go figure out the gender you should throw one of those gender reveal parties." She said.

Stan nods, and I let off a small nod.

The rest of dinner was mostly just small conversations. I didn't say much, but I did chime in when asked a question.

Afterwards, me and Stan head out into the backyard. Even if it's a weed farm, it's pretty when the sun is falling down the horizon. It's calming.

Me and Stan lay on the ground, look at the sky. I cuddle against him.

"So what are we gonna do about the gender?" I gently ask.

Stan lightly shrugs. "I don't know." I say. "Maybe we should do a gender reveal party. It would be fun."

"Yeah.." I whisper. "I have an appointment Wednesday so we can check.." I say.

He nods. "Nice." He said. I sigh. "I think I'm gonna just, drop school during the pregnancy." I say. "I can't handle going to the bathroom whenever they act up."

Stan shrugs. "Yeah—- I'll still have to go though. I'll get time off when the baby is born though." He says.

I nod, smiling. I can't wait until our little baby is here..

My mom calms us from the back door. "You have a visitor!" She yells.

I sigh and get up, with the aid of Stan. We head to the door.

I hide behind it while Stan opens it. I was wearing a shirt which revealed my stomach, so you could tell I'm pregnant.

I hear Eric. Why him?!

"Is kyle here?" He asks.

"No—-" Stan says before Eric forced the door open. "I know he is!"

Then he looked at me, and my stomach.

"Ha! The jew is actually pregnant!"

844 words.

That One Friday Night (South Park Style)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz