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"Hold your head high." Birger tapped at your chin, promoting it to heighten. "As a princess and a new member of the royal family, Nova, you would be held at the same standards as the princes' themselves." He gripped the front of your long flowing gown and pulled it out from underneath you. He came around, running his hand through your lengthy hair and straightening it out, no matter the snags that accompanied it.

"Birger," you groaned as he touched another part of you. ", does this not seem to be a bit muc-"

"Quiet." Birger flicked the small of your back, causing you to jump in your skin. "You are to keep silent in his presence."

"But the prince is not here, and I do not believe he would waste his time-"

"Shush." He gripped your shoulders pulling them back, fixing your already nearly flawless posture. "Every piece of you must be the clear embodiment of perfection."

You rolled your eyes and even with much hesitation, did as he said and held your mouth shut. Even if it were only for one moment.

Taking a large step back, he looked upon you, roaming you for any sort of flaw. Of course, you were not fully aware of how you looked. The number of mirrors in the room was scarce compared to others but you could only assume how ridiculous you looked. He had been continuously decorating you in things such as jewels, many jewels, flowers, petals of said flowers, and a petite diadem upon the rim of your hair that seemed to gleam even without light upon it.

"Lovely Nova. Truly." He whirled his finger encouraging you to spin. You frowned but did as you were told and walked in a circle. "If presented with the title of princess and Goddess of Asgard, all the realms will look to you as an illustration of what is expected from the royal family. Beauty, pride, strength, and docility."

The pure restraint it took of you as to not to laugh at his use of the word 'docility' to describe you of all people was truly masterful.

"That will do for now." Birger picked up two water glasses from a table and delivered one to you. "Refresh yourself. We are not quite done here. We have more work to do."

You groaned and rolled your eyes when he looked away. "Birger, forgive me but we have been here all day. And I would like to run off to the healing wing before I am unable to visit again."

"Your handmaiden will be alright without one day of you fetching her flowers."

Pouting and crossing your arms like a child, you frowned up to him. "But Birger she-"

"You have missed enough lessons, Lady Nova," he quickly snapped. "Lady Kari has been at every single one of your separate lessons. Mastering each task with ease. Of course, you should be capable of such as well. But If the prince ever found out of the many many times I have enabled you to circumvent your lessons..." Birger trembled before shaking his head and the thought far away. "No, we must continue on."

The door suddenly unhitched from behind you, pulling both Birger's and your attention towards it. A guard trekked inside from behind the door and marched to Birger with a sturdiness to himself you had rarely seen. Without a word to you, he leaned down and muttered something slight into Birger's ear.

After a few moments, Birger spoke. "I see. How long?"

"Sooner than we had expected."

Birger huffed, glancing back in forth as if thinking. "Thank you. I will be there soon as I am finished here."

The guard nodded before turning and walking away from Birger. "Lady nova." he bowed his head to you and you did the same to him before the rushed away and from the room.

🌷 The Suitor 🌷// Loki x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora