It is What is on the Inside that Counts

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This book. While one of the very few novels you carried with you to the palace, it still seemed that nothing in the royal library could compare. Each word seemingly provided rays of pure light where dark seemed to rule through its pages. With characters and stories, you had used for comfort since you were a child. You truly cherished it. And you wished that Magnus would care for it as you did.

Closing the cover of the book, you smiled thoughtlessly down to the work of fiction placed perfectly in your hands.

"Wonderful, isn't it?"

You turned your head up to the man sitting behind you with a delighted grin upon your lips. However, It seemed that he was wearier than he had previously argued himself to be. His head, while still facing you, leaned against his hand as if he wished to stay vigilant but found himself unable to resist the alluring feeling of rest.

You grinned, your eyes softening at the sight. You had known he was exhausted. No matter how much he had continuously denied the concept.

Lifting your hand from the cover of the book and stroked it across his jawline, relishing in the feeling of his skin against your fingers.

"Oh well." You raised your head placing a slight yet affectionate kiss upon his chin. "Sleep tight, my love."

He didn't stir at your words only affirming the idea that he required the sleep he had been denying himself. You placed the book to the side before resting yourself back against his chest as your eyes slowly drifted closed.

Your conference with the lords seemed as if it was months ago. Even if it had only been a few weeks. The Alfather was out of realm with prince Thor at the moment. Leaders and warriors from other realms had raided villages in Vanaheim and Asgard's assistance was required to establish a proper and fair treaty in order to ascertain peace. However, with these members of the royal family gone, the duties of the throne fell to that of prince Loki and the queen herself. Because of this, Magnus was busier than ever.

He was continually attending to the prince's every impossible need. Often times, in ways he could never even say. You rarely saw him during the day and as the sun fell behind the hills he always showed at your door with something to do together. You invariably begged him kindly not to overstress himself. His work deserved to be a priority. However, he would hear none of it. Especially tonight.

And tonight... he made it marvelous.

He had swept you away during your suitor duties with the guise of being on orders of the prince. He took you directly to the royal stables to visit the "other" Magnus and for a ride along a private path reserved for only those who knew of it. Furthermore, rather than having both of you separate to your respective dining rooms as you usually would, you ate a remarkable meal together in a vast ballroom that appeared completely discarded. He had somehow acquired royal wine and surprised you with such as you roamed the bare halls.

And a bit later, you, in an attempt to repay his kindness, requested for a plethora of different desserts to be taken to your room for you to share. For testing purposes, as you told the servants who gave you odd looks. He looked so completely stunned as you revealed it to him, you became almost worried that he disliked it. But just as you were beginning to apologize for your decision, he swept you up by your waist and whirled you around the room as if you weighed less than a feather. You simply talked from then on. Snacking on sweets and being together. Just as you wished.

He was the one made these nights marvelous. He was the one who made your nights in the palace bearable. He was yours.

And you were his.

From the quietness of the night, a small yet sharp knock upon the hardwood of your door lifted the state of sleep that had only begun to wash over you.

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