Irritatingly Late

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He was late.

Very late.

He did seem like the type to be on time. If not only a few minutes late. But as time passed ever so slowly, the corridor only grew more lonely as the night pulled over the sun. And yet still, no Magnus.

Sadly enough... you were actually early. Your dinner plans with Queen Frigga and prince Loki went quickly. Perhaps because much to the dismay of the other woman, they never showed. Apparently, something got in their way and they couldn't attend as promised, disappointing everyone around. Including Birger.

And, of course, you knew well Magnus was seemingly a close assistant to Loki, however, you had not anticipated him to be delayed as well. You did not mind as initially, you thought him to be only a few minutes behind. But this was... irritatingly late.

If you had any self-worth you would have walked away minutes ago with no regrets. But, against your better judgment, you chose to stay. Waiting absurdly long for someone who would probably tell the Prince every word you said. Good or bad.

You promised yourself that if the sun fully set, you would leave. You would cast all thoughts aside of this man and continue on as if you had never encountered him.

Nevertheless, even if perhaps it was a foolish thought, you silently prayed he would show before that.

However, as you watched through the arches in the corridor as the sun disappeared behind the hills, you realized you were not as lucky as you would as hoped.

"It is difficult to believe that I allowed myself to be so naive." You sighed to an empty corridor as you leaned forward against the ledge of the wall looking out at the disappearing sunset. "Waiting this long for a man I have met only twice. Mother would call me pitiful."

"Pitiful?" a deep chuckle echoed through the hall. "I hardly believe that for one moment."

You smiled quietly, pushing yourself upright you turned towards him just as he walked around the corner. Leaning back against the stone ledge, you tilted your head to the side.

"You are late."

He shrugged as he continued to move towards you. "Late is such an unfavorable word."

"Yet still quite correct."

"Many say being correct is overvalued."

"And yet such things are always said by someone who is not."

He reared his head, fixing the cuffs of his uniform as he restudied himself just in front of you. "I am certainly surprised to see you stayed."

"I did say I would come."

"And I had no doubt you would. Still, you stayed and waited, even when I was exceptionally..."


He slyly smirked. "Exactly."

You pushed yourself from the wall, stepping closer till you stood right in front of him. Staring him down with unwavering stubbornness in your eyes. "You may question every part of me Magnus, but never my patience."

He towered over you as his precarious expression turned quickly into a brilliant grin. As he began to laugh you broke from your own tense expression and joined. Silently enjoying one another laughs in the dark hall.

"It is wonderful to see you, Nova."

"You as well, Magnus."

He raised his brows in a gentle apology as he bowed his head. "I apologize for my tardiness. I was caught up with the prince."

🌷 The Suitor 🌷// Loki x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz