Translation Games: Gungan

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Gungan (Jar Jar Binks)

painebook, translated with

Lights flashen outside tent. Pullen backen da flapen me see a litta grey manen standen dalee.

"What's tup, dude?"

"My people travelen da universe granten wishes. What yous wishen?"

"It can besa anything?" Headen hurts from da tequila me gup to helpen mesa sleep. "How about peles? Una earth, free from poverty, conflict, politics, war."


Me fall asleep. Waking, headen throbs as me packen tup campen and drive off da mountain. Dalee nosa traffic, me turnen on da radio. All me getsa static.

Enteren hometown, me noticen all da people gone.

Tevun-Krus #75 - International 4: SolarPunkWhere stories live. Discover now