Chapter 6: Pain and Prowess

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Nemuri P.O.V.


(Y/N) - ...Beg your pardon, Sir?

I can't tell due to his mask, but he sounds panicked.

(Nezu) - You can't hide it from someone like me, Young Octavius. I've suffered too. That's why you hide your eyes under those telephoto lenses in your mask. So that your foes can't see your pain when you fail to hide it.

...Wow... is he right?

(Y/N) - Am I that easy to read?

(Nezu) - No. I've been watching you. Ever since you were little. You were always telling off bullies, saying that they failed to see the bigger picture, that they were going to fail as heroes. You're right. It got you beaten up every time, but you stood up for the little people. That's exactly the kind of people we want here in the school. I know you're suffering, Y/N. It would explain your need to use your mind in extravagant measures. That may be a weakness.

He hesitates before chuckling, and taking off his mask. 

(Y/N) - What can I say?

There's tears in his eyes.

(Y/N) - Being a showman helps me hide the pain.

(Nezu) - Interesting. Survivor's guilt?

(Y/N) - Yeah. It's hell.

(Nemuri) - We were all surprised when the Octavius family fell.

(Y/N) - Seriously?

(Nemuri) - Yeah. We thought that Olivia'd come up with a way to achieve immortality LONG before she expired. Heeheehee... She was crazy, back during her villain days, but she had quite the turnaround.

(Y/N) - Heh...

(Nezu) - *chuckles.* Indeed.

(Nemuri) - I NEVER thought I'd ever see the extra four arms again, though. Nice job with 'General Detonator'.

(Y/N) - Well, I decided to take a leaf out of Mom's book. It helps. ...My nickname for Bakugou is 'Captain Grenade'.

(Nemuri) - Even better! 


Y/N P.O.V.

She breaks out in a fit of laughter. I didn't think my sense of humor would reach anyone at first...

(Y/N) - Was it really that funny?

(Nemuri) - Yes! With how he's always yelling all the time, and the fact that he can make his sweat explode, it totally suits him.

(Nezu) - Humor aside, I can understand your suffering, Y/N. I'm not going to get into details, but I got myself into a very... unfavorable situation. I can understand the effects of trauma. Just in case you need someone to talk to.

I'm able to keep it under lock and key for the time being, but who knows when I'll crack again?


(Y/N) - Sure thing. Thank you sir.

(Nezu) - Now, I'll be taking my leave. You two are free to chat. The rest of the day is just free study anyway.

He leaves, and I am left alone with the one person most people might say I shouldn't be alone with based on my age.

Well... To quote the Morales Brothers...

What's up danger?


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