Chapter 4: Superiority Versus Numbers 1 and 23!

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Y/N P.O.V.

(Y/N) - Now, Sir... Madam... Shall we dance?

All Might rushes at me as Mt. Lady grows to massive size. I jump onto one of the buildings to avoid All Might, and get to higher ground. After jumping from building to building and getting out of their sight, I hid the core in a ventilation shaft, counting on my eidetic memory to remember where it was. I head back to the battlefield, which was easy, given how hard a full-grown Mt. Lady is to miss. All Might is nowhere to be seen. Good. I jump from the building behind her, and begin to pull off an 'Empire Strikes Back'. Within time, she's struggling to break free of the sixteen layers of webbing on her legs without falling over. I begin to climb up her back, stopping in between her shoulder blades. I launch several webs at her arms and begin to pull, her arms slowly being pulled back, as I bend them at the elbows, and tie her arms behind her back. I shudder at the thought of the many kinds of perverted fantasies that degenerate, Mineta is coming up with now. I shake away the thought, and begin to climb up to the back of her head. 

Here's the situation: She's stumbled to the point that she is now in front of a skyscraper, and can't move her limbs. If you can guess what I'm about to do, get yourself a cookie, you earned it. If not, get a cookie anyway and keep reading.

(Mt. Lady) - What the hell are you doing?

(Y/N) - Something that'll hurt you more than me.

(Mt. Lady) - What's that supposed to mean?

(Y/N) - Little spider with nothing to lose, pulls a giant building down on top of the soft, living mountain with everything to lose. Figure it out.

(Mt. Lady) - W-wait! Can't we talk about this? I'll treat you to a date!

(Y/N) - Pass.

(Mt. Lady) - What? Why?!

(Y/N) - I don't believe that you're a real hero. You're only in the business for the fame and fortune. That, and I find your shameless vanity to be quite repulsive. 

(Mt. Lady) - H-how DARE you?! Who do you think you are?!

I jump from her shoulder blades, and launch two wide streams of webbing across her face, as I swing upward, and land on the back of her head, leaving her without a means to speak.


I launch web after web at the skyscraper, and begin to pull. It's foundation is stressed to the breaking point, and Mt. Lady is brought to her knees as my feet dig into her enlarged skull. The skyscraper is coming down, and I leap through one of the windows, clinging to the floor, and crawling up. Mt. Lady, who was unable to move, could only take the blow. I crawl out the opposite end, and make a break for it before being slammed into the wall by All Might's crush grip. I attempt to jab him with the claws on my free hand, but he catches it before I can get a slash in.

(All Might) - Impressive! You managed to handle Mt. Lady!

I curl my fingers in a fashion so that they're going too slow for him to notice. I just have to keep him talking. Business as usual.

(Y/N) - It was easy. She's not really concerned about the people. She's just using lies and sex appeal to further her position. Such a concerning thing for the government to overlook when one of the people who's supposed to help the people is only fueled by her own vanity! And by the by, are heroes supposed to bribe their opponents, or is she just trying to play the role of a hopped-up street thug?

(All Might) - I find it unnatural to believe that you think that the 23rd top hero is only acting out of self-interest!

(Y/N) - I'm a cynic. It's what I do.

My claws have reached flesh.

(Y/N) - I find it very difficult to find good in a LOT of people. The only definitives I have against my belief is you and Midoriya. Then again...

His face contorts as my claws dig into his hand and the paralytic seeps into his body. He collapses, and I fall to the floor.

(Y/N) - ...Everyone has something to hide for some kind of reason unique to them. You can't go easy on anyone. Now...

I get up, and get a safe distance from my foe. I don't care how strong my makeshift over-relaxant is, I'm not taking any chances with One For All.

(Y/N) - I doubt you'll be getting up for awhile, so I'm going to go back, and pick up where I left off, and then I'm gonna go.

I swing from building to building, counting on my eidetic memory to lead me back to the core. I find where I left it, take it, and leave Fake City. That's it. My test is finished. I am surrounded by my classmates as I walk back into the observation room, and wait for my opposition to recover.


869 words. Shorter than usual, but I'm feeling slow today. I'm sorry. It was mainly just the battle anyway. I'll be uploading the next chapter shortly. Please stay tuned. Have a great (Time of day)!

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