Chapter 3: Grudge reborn

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(A/N: I'm BAAAAAAAACK!!! Aloha, my friends, how are we doing? This chapter is going to be following the preview in Ch. 1. I hope you enjoy this, it's going to get wild!)

Y/N P.O.V.

I'm currently in shock. Izuku just broke his own arm to give Uraraka a fighting chance. If that's not admirable, I don't know what is. I don't feel like revealing what exactly my new suit can do. Element of surprise is best kept close at hand... or rather close to the chest in my case. Once the rest of the matches have finished up...

(All Might) - Now that the rest of the matches have been finished there's one more left. However, things will be different for the last one. Mr. Octavius! Mr. Lincoln! Ms. Gargan!

The three of us step forward. I'm already formulating, my ex and her boytoy look nervous. I don't care. I can deal with this on my own. You ask me to work with people, all I need to have is data on their quirks and some sense of trust. You ask me to work with my ex, and the childhood bully that she cheated on me with, and then we have problems.

(All Might) - Will the three of you follow me to the starting point? The rest of you stay here.

He takes us into the fake city to a building, which I'm assuming is where our test begins.

(All Might) - Your test will be just like the others, with a few added twists. If you choose to try and secure the weapon, you also have to escape the city WITH the weapon.

(Y/N) - So... if we were to truly secure the faux nuke, we'd have to make sure we got away with it. Interesting... Who are our opponents?

(All Might) - Three pro heroes. I am one of them. One of the other two is also a teacher here at UA. I'm not going to spoil everything. Surprise is what makes good battles fun. Everyone else is watching. They can hear you, but not speak with you. Good luck.

He walks into the building, and I am left with my... teammates.

(Y/N) - Ugh.

All Might notices this, and before he goes into the building, he pulls me aside.

(All Might) - I notice that you still have some reservations about this. Young Midoriya has told me quite a bit about you, Mr. Octavius. That includes your admiration for Nemuri Kayama.

(Y/N) - You had to tell me about that in front of everyone else?

(All Might) - I'm trying to provide an incentive to actually try. Please do listen.

(Y/N) - Incentive? ...I'm listening...

(All Might) - I told her about you, and gave her your file. She thinks you're cute.

(Y/N) - Wh-where does this 'Incentive' come along?

(All Might) - Look there, in the audience. Do you see her waving at you?

(Y/N) - Th-that's her? That's really her? In person?

(All Might) - Yes, and she wants to talk to you. Make sure you fight with the intent to impress, and to win.

A long pause is felt

(Y/N) - ...Either subdue you, or secure the faux nuke right?

(All Might) - Yes, but it's going to be a little more difficult to replace the challenge of working with another, given that this will be 3v3.

(Y/N) - Explain.

(All Might) - You have to escape the city with the weapon, while preventing me and my allies from getting it back.

(Y/N) - ...Even IF you do manage to get close to me while I'm airborne, please expect me to go down kicking and screaming. The air and the shadows are my home turf.

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