Chapter 1: Two Grudges.

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(A/N: Picture up top is your new suit. front logo is also on the back. Special reason for that near the end of the chapter. Before you ask, sorry it's not as bright as I'd like it to be, not enough light.)

(A/N 2: I drew it myself, how'd I do?)

Y/N P.O.V.

I walk into the classroom, expecting a particularly interesting year. My mind begins to wander, reminding me that I am reluctant to make friends or make any close bonds with others. Especially after... THAT frivolity. Oh well. I've no intentions of forming a romantic relationship again, not after what happened last time. Welp. Let's meet the classmates. 

(Iida) - Put your feet down! I will not allow you to slowly, yet effectively destroy school property!

(Bakugou) - Aw, what? Don't underestimate me, guy, I'll take you down too!

Oh, hell.

(Y/N) - He IS right, you know.

(Both) - Huh?

Everyone turns to look at you, astounded that you would intervene.

(Y/N) - These could be the desks we use for the next three years. We may as well make them last.

(Iida) - Someone who agrees with my ideals? Ah! M-my name is Tenya. Tenya Iida.

(Y/N) - Octavius. Y/N Octavius. It's good to meet you, Iida.

(Iida) - Do I sense something that I may have in common with you?

(Y/N) - I wouldn't know, I just met you. But I'd have to assume so. I sense a kindred spirit in you as well. I look forward to a pleasant three years, Iida.

(Iida) - Likewise. I'm sorry about your-

(Y/N) - Please, DON'T. I'm still suffering from that, and I'm getting help. I don't want the pity, and I don't need the salt in the wound. I'm managing just fine.

I'm lying my ass off. If I were fine, why would I be taking medications for hallucinations and insomnia? Losing a large majority of my family freaking BROKE me, for the love of God.

(Iida) - ...I understand. I hope we all enjoy our time here.

(Y/N) - Heh. Likewise.

(Bakugou) - And what the hell are YOU doing here, Quirkless?

...for a lack of a better, smarter phrase: fuck my life.

(Bakugou) - I said "What are you doing here," Quirkless?

(Y/N) - I am here to do exactly what you are here to do, Katsuki. Although, I hope to do it in a more... refined manner than yours.

(Bakugou) - What's THAT supposed to mean?

(Y/N) - Well, you're not known for your proficiency in anger management, you self-serving, egocentric megalomaniac.

Everyone looks at me in shock that I would mouth off to Katsuki Bakugou of all people, Midoriya especially. 

(Bakugou) - Do you have a death wish? *Summons explosion in hands*

(Y/N) - *webs his face, jumps up and kicks him across the jaw before landing* I'm just being honest.

(???) - As much as I admire your use of self defense, I have to ask the same question: Why ARE you here?

The entire class looks to the front of the room to see Shouta Aizawa, AKA: Eraserhead.

(Y/N) - ...Beg pardon?

(Aizawa) - Your file has you registered here as "quirkless", so why are you here?

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