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Autumn's POV

My luck has ran out and of course I was welcomed with dreams or should I call them nightmares. Dun dun duh.
Anywho, I was dreaming of a beautiful lady who had chocolate coloured hair flowing down her shoulders in beautiful waves like the ocean, her face was flawless accompanied by colour changing eyes. She wore a wonderful white dress that reached her ankles. She was magnificent. I was actually drooling by her beauty.
No I'm not a lesbian (not that I have anything against them or anything) if that's what your thinking, I just know when someone is pretty and this women right here is 💯 percent pretty. Plus I might've been just a tad jelly.
'Hello dear Autumn, I'm Aphrodite goddess of love. As I would love to discuss your love life and your relationship with Leo, I am in serious danger and in need of your help. I am here to warn you that something big is coming and only you and Leo can stop it. I am captured and my kidnappers are the reason you two are forgotten. You must not trust anyone except for yourself and Leo. They only way to gain everyone's memories back of you and Leo you must follow your broken heart.' Her voice was graceful too.
I snapped out of my dreamy state and took in everything she said.
'But why me and Leo couldn't it be anyone but him. And what do you mean follow my broken heart that doesn't make sense and how do you know it's broken.' It took be a moment, then it hit me 'Oh right goddess of love.'
'The answers you need can only be found within yourself.'
'What's that supposed to me. Stop speaking in riddles I'm horrible at solving puzzles.'
'Wait broken heart, stolen memories. Do you mean you want me to go down memory lane and visit all the spots where a part of my heart died. Wow that's deep and not what I was expecting'
'Well done, you see all the answers can only be found from you.'
'Yeah but that doesn't explain-'
'You must hurry you only have seven days until all love will vanish and you'll be forgotten forever. Your waking up now. Good luck.'

And just like that I woke up and sat up rapidly only to feel my head feel a little dizzy after hitting something.
I was covered in cold sweat and me head was pounding. Ow. My head rush wasn't that bad. Then I look up and soon realise I'm not the only one in the tent.
'Ow, I didn't even touch you for you to jump up and hit me.'
'What are you doing here. Are you stalking me now.' I asked impatiently.
'I was going to ask you the same thing. What are you doing sleeping outside in the woods right next to my bunker.'
'Well if you have to know I couldn't sleep in my cabin since, you know..., plus this was the best idea I had and about me placing the tent next to your bunker-. Wait what bunker. You have a bunker.'
'Slow down. Yes I have a bunker that only I can open since I'm a fire user but that's not the point. I came here to check who would be dumb enough to sleep out in the woods by their selves, where there are monsters crawling around at night. But I guess my questions have been answered, only you are crazy enough to do this. And since that's settled I'm going to go back to my bunker.' Leo explained.
'Wait!' Ugh I sounded too desperate but I was, so this was an exception.
'I had a dream.'
'A dream' he said rather sarcastically.
I groaned, 'more like a vision from Aphrodite.'
I then went on to explain what happened in my dream except for the part that I have to follow my broken heart. He doesn't need to know that I'm broken and give more opportunities to make fun of me as well as making my life miserable just like the old days.
'Wow ok so let me get this straight. The live goddess is captured and needs our help and if we don't succeed we'll never feel love and we will forever be forgotten. Awesome, sounds like a cool and easy adventure though I did hope I was done with those cuz I'm not sacrificing myself again.'

'Don't look at me I would never sacrifice myself for the likes of you. But yeah you've pretty much summed it up.'
'Ok but how do we know where to look.' He asked curiously.
'I'm-Well-we uh ...have to follow... the stars. Yeah the stars.'
'Oook but how do we do that. I'm not an expert at astrology.'
'Don't worry, I am. My mum used to teach me when I was younger.' I then had flashbacks to me and me mum laying on the soft grass and looking up to the sky. We were camping and we were outside on a hill. My mum was teaching me the different star signs and how they could always guide me. I missed those times where everything was just perfect and easy. I didn't have to worry about anything in the world but that had to fade and I had to wake up to what's real.
I sighed knowing that was now all in the past.
'Ok now that that's sorted, it's 3am and I wouldn't want someone to be out here all alone so if you want you can stay with me in my bunker. Also we could start planning in there too. That is if u don't want to die out here alone horribly.' Leo asked. He seemed kinda nervous for my response. I guess even the worst of people can sometimes have heart.
'Sure but I'm not sharing any of my snacks with you' I said knowing Leo was staring at my stack of sweets and chocolates.
'Awww come on.' Leo pouted.
'We made a truce to not bully each other, but that doesn't mean we are friends. So I'm not sharing.'
'Well I'm giving you shelter.'
'Only for three hours'
'Well I... yeah I've got nothing'
Leo gave up and led me to his secret hang out spot. I have to say, I wish I had something like that. A secret place to go to clear your head and where no one will find you because only you know of it.
We stood in front of a big boulder and it didn't look like much. I was hoping for something extravagant, exciting or at least beautiful.
'You call this a bunker, more like a dump. I actually had higher expectations and..' I kept going on and on about how I thought his spot would be better. In the meanwhile Leo was ignoring you and placed his hand on the bolder where his hand had lit up on fire making a door, that just appeared, open.
He smirked when he saw your mouth agape in shock and awe.
'Now what were you saying.' He asked teasingly.
'Wow. This is magnificent. No way, this is awesome.' This was way beyond my imagination. All the different types of gadgets and inventions that seem unfinished or just haven't even been made yet was spectacular.
Yes I hate Leo but you have got to appreciate art.
'Wait til you see what I've been working on but I'll show you that later. Right now I just need to clean some of this stuff up. I'm sorry but I was not expecting any guests, no one really visits me here anyway.' Leo said sadly. He seemed kind of lonely. No Autumn snap out of it, remember all the horrible things he's done, he doesn't deserve your sympathy.
I shook my thoughts and watched Leo tidy as much as he can. He was also putting some blankets and pillows on the sofa so I'm guessing that where I'm sleeping.
'You know what, you look tired you should go to sleep and we can figure this out in the morning.' He gave me a genuine warm smile. I've never seen him smile that way before. It was comforting. What has gotten into me.

'Thanks I appreciate it.' I walked up to the sofa to lay down and sleep until Leo stopped me,
'What are you doing?'
'I'm going to bed what else does it look like I'm doing.'
'No, your sleeping in the bed I have upstairs.'
'Well if you insist. I can see that you've gained some manners over the years.'
I then walked upstairs to his bedroom. I closed the door and collapsed onto the bed. I was thankful to know that the walls and doors were soundproof. I didn't want to hear Leo bashing and clanging for the rest of the night.
I then went into a peaceful dreamless sleep so I could finally get some good rest before experiencing stress tomorrow. It is going to be one hell of a day.

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