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Autumn's POV

'Morning, here's a mint for your stinky breathe.'
'Wow, what a way to start a morning and compliment the person who let you sleep here' Leo clapped sarcastically. Sarcasm was written all over his face but I didn't care. Yes he let me stay, so what, it was only for a few hours plus I still haven't forgiven him.
'Whatever, have you even slept at all.'
'You don't need to know, it's none of your business.'
'I'll take that as a no from that sad excuse of sass. You should really get some rest before we leave for our quest, I wouldn't want you to faint out of exhaustion, cuz I'm not catching you when you fall.' I walked out of the bunker but before I went to grab breakfast I turned around and said 'thanks Leo'
Got you there. I would never thank Leo in my life, you guys should know that by now. I will never give him the satisfaction. I just walked to the dining pavilion to get breakfast to give me a bit more energy so I can come up with a plan and all the spots that I, I mean le0 and I, need to visit. I also had to gather supplies before we leave, think about transport and...omg there's a lot to think about and I don't think I'm ready for this, I can't organise this, I can't save the goddess, I can't do this especially with my worst enemy.
I started shaking uncontrollably, I had to get out of here. I left my breakfast and ran to the sea where I could calm down and regain my strength and hopefully find some guidance from dad not caring about the glances I got from the campers.
'Hey dad...Umm I don't know if you're listening. But it would be great if you could just point me in the right direction or I don't know...who am I kidding, he's not going to help me.'
I gave up and stood up from where I was sitting in the sand and walked away. I borrowed some supplies from the Athena cabin so I could write down the places that we are going. The first place on my list is where it all started which was in Houston, Texas. That was where everything had fallen apart. It's where my brother died, the bullying and when I had run away from home because my mother wasn't the best person to be around with when she's drunk and blames you for the death of her beautiful son. Second was in a house where I was abused physically and mentally for a year by someone horrible who I don't even want to name. Third was where my heart broke the most leaving me scarred for the rest of my life. It was a hotel where I was staying with my foster parents since I had just come back from my boarding school in England to enjoy my summer holiday back in America. They were really kind and I was getting ready to settle in with them until they...they...
Until they had tried to suffocate me by placing a plastic bag over my head and threw my into the swimming pool leaving my to drown and die. Thankfully, I was a daughter of Poseidon and he had saved me in my time of need and pointed me to camp half blood. But the most horrible thing is, is that I didn't want to be saved. I didn't want to continue drowning in real life with guilt, sadness and heartbreak, I wanted to end my miserable life. So I didn't fight to save myself, I let them suffocate me. So yeah that's my sorry life but I still need to find supplies.

So I head off to the Apollo cabin and asked for some first aid supplies. They didn't even ask since they figured I was someone they didn't know. It just hurt to walk past everyone you know only for them to ignore you because they don't know who you are. But I had to focus on the mission and save Aphrodite and get everyone else to remember me.

I got my supplies enough for me and Leo. I made a checklist to make sure that I'm prepared and got everything.

Clothes - check (had to sneak in to take my clothes from cabin 3)
First aid - check
Map - check
List of destinations - check
Transportation - I have an idea but I need to go to a friend
Food -
Guess the next thing to find is food. I went to bunker 9 so I include Leo with this quest because I wasn't going to do this alone and I was too lazy and exhausted (MOOD).
I knocked really loudly repetitively to annoy him aaaaand it worked.
'WHAT!' Leo shouted but his face lost some of his anger when he saw me.
'What do you want?' He said, some of his anger still present in his tone of voice but I'm going to ignore it and get right to the point.
'Look since we are doing this quest together, you have to help so your in charge of food.' I then left him to solve the problem and I could finally relax.
WRONG. I had to call my friend or inform him in some way that I was going to come round and ask for a favour cuz he owes me.
Finalising all my plans and making sure my backpack is ready, I just need to do one last thing, sleep. But before I could do that I need to inform Chiron about us leaving on a que-
Right. He's forgotten us.
Well with that lovely thought I decided to go have dinner before resting back at Leo's bunker. Don't worry, I'm going to sneak in there. There is not one place that can't be broken into. Well at least for the master. That's me by the way if you didn't get that.

I had finished my peaceful dinner early with no interruptions which I don't get anymore. Quietly, I sneaked into the woods and got to where the bunker is. Leo was having dinner so I was safe...well only for a few minutes but that's all the time I need.

If this place opened up magically needing a fire user to open it up , there must've been another mechanism to open the door as back up. I closed my eyes to heighten my senses. I let my hands move across the boulder to check for any secret handles that push to reveal a lever that opens the door.
Ah...there. I had found what I was looking for and opened the door. If Leo could see me now. Ha in his face. I could imagine his reaction the priceless expression he would give if he where to find out. Key word if. I was never going to tell him, that's dumb, he might want to block that type of entry so no one could enter without his knowledge. Imagine the endless possibilities of the type of pranks I could pull of. I had to store that info for later as I was here for a purpose.
I walked into the bunker with pride and climbed up the stairs to his room to finally relax and sleep before the big day tomorrow.
I kick my shoes off cuz I'm not disrespectful. I mean how do people wear shoes while sleeping especially at someone else's house.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I went into a deep deep sleep.

Hey guys, thank you whoever is actually reading this. I hope I'm doing good so far and are liking this fanfic. There's going to be a lot more drama and action as well as romance so don't worry it will all come in good time. I have it all planned out. This is my second fanfic of Leo Valdez and honestly whispering *I prefer this one*

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