Day 1 part 2

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There's going to be a cameo of one of my favourite character other than varian from tangled the series of course. Anyway back to the story.

Autumn's POV
'Who is this friend of yours. Huh *dramatic gasp* your on the enemies side and trying to kidnap me aren't you. Yep that explains...' he pauses and overlooks all of you up and down 'everything. I mean you could have never taught yourself to sword fight that well.'

His voice has been making my ears bleed the entire day on the bus we were on since we left the cave. We were going to a friends house so I could make our trip much more easier and quicker. So back to the drama queen.
We got off the bus and walked away a certain distance so I could talk back to the walking trash.
I stopped in my tracks to face him with my calm face to frighten him then I did this,
'Shut up' I said restraining myself from killing him. 'I don't need to explain myself to a nobody like you and your just jealous I beat you in sword fighting and humiliated you in front of everyone.' I smiled to myself recalling the memory. That sure made him shut up.
I continued walking until I reached my friends house with Leo trailing behind me.
'Why are we at a cafe, we don't have time for a snack.'
I ignored him and walked inside. As predicted he followed. As soon as I entered someone had pulled me into a tight hug.
'Oh my god Autumn, it's so good to see you again, it's been so long. I've missed you.' An excited and hyper voice said.
'Can't...breathe...' I said running out of breathe.
'Sorry. So who's this fella. Wait you have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me' she squealed.
I nearly chocked on my own breathe. And Leo unbeknownst to me went right red.
'Never in a million years, he's not my type. My type isn't full of trash'
'Ok anyway so I'm guessing your here for-
'Yes' I interrupted her.
'Okay he's just upstairs'
'Thanks' I said and went to the direction of my friends room.
I knocked on the door only to hear a lot of destruction. I shook my head and laughed, can that boy be any more clumsy. I smiled at the thought.
He opened the door to reveal the same clothes he's always worn. A red shirt with long white sleeves underneath and dark green cargo shorts. His mop of raven hair was still as messy as it used to be.
'Hey Autumn, long time no see.' He said looking happy to meet me again while hugging me.
'Who's the guy?' The guy at the door asked.
'I'll explain as much as I can but right now I need your help, Hiro Hamada'

-Time skip-

'Wow, that's awful. I don't know what to say but I'll help as much as I can' I had explained everything to Hiro since he already knows I'm a demigod. He was one of the first people I told when I found out. He took it surprisingly well.
We were in his room with Leo sitting next to Hiro on his bed.
'Thanks but I just need to borrow your computers.' I got into his chair and clicked my knuckles.
I got ready to use my hacking skills. While I was hacking into the airports files I explained to them my plan.
'So I'm going to hack into the airports files to get us free tickets to fly back to Texas, that's where Aphrodite is being held but I'm still unclear on the exact location, so I thought of starting with Houston.' I was still hacking with my fingers automatically doing its job. 'Then from there we follow the uh stars like she said in my dream.' I finished off with the lie I told Leo. Hiro looked skeptically at me as he suspects that I'm lying. He's known me for a long time to recognise when I tell a lie.
'I didn't know you could hack with alerting the police.' Leo was amazed by my talent. Couldn't blame him, I was amazing.
'Yeah she learned from the best.' Hiro said while pointing at himself.
'And there's a lot of things you don't know about me Leo. Plus don't get too cocky Hiro, I've learnt a few more tricks since I've left.'
'Is that so' he said while punching me in the arm.
'Ow, looks like I'm not the only one who's learnt more tricks.' He was stronger than before.
I heard a weird sound, like a balloon being pumped for air.
'Uh what's that sound?' Leo asked. I was just as confused as him.
I heard some shuffling and then simultaneously me and Leo drew out our weapons to...
'Baymax?' I said with confusion.
'Hi I am Baymax, I was alerted to your need when you said ow. How would you rate your pain from 1-10.' I looked to Hiro only to find him smiling smugly at me.
I was confused and look back to Baymax who was supposed to be gone when he said, 'do you want me to scan you'
'I'm fin-'
'Scan complete'
'Wow, for a robot he sure doesn't like to listen'
'Tell me about it' Hiro said recalling the memory of when Baymax scanned him and told him he hit puberty. That was hilarious, you should've seen his face.
'You have no injuries except for some scar tissues on your-'
I shut Baymax up by saying in a rush ' I am satisfied with my care.' Me and Leo then put our weapons away and Hiro seemed unfazed by the fact we had swords but i knew why.
'Autumn, you never told me you have-' Hiro said until I cut him off
'Doesn't matter anyway I've got the tickets, I just printed them off so we need to go to catch our flight.' I said trying to avoid the subject.
'Ok but before we go, can I just say your robot is amazing, can I have the blue prints for him.'
'My brother made him and it's something that I would like to keep myself.' Hiro said sadly.
'I'm sorry dude'
'It's ok, but your into robotics?'
'Uh not exactly, I'm more of a mechanic and I make cool inventions, my best one is Festus'
'Who's Festus'
'He's a real life size dragon made from a special type of metal' Leo said with pride.
'That's amazing. You know we should hang out more, we could build cool stuff together.' Hiro suggested
'Yeah-' Leo was cut off when I pulled him away so we could catch our flight before it's too late.
'Wait Autumn, isn't what your doing illegal. I wouldn't want you to get caught by the police.' Hiro asked.
'First I've never been caught by the police.'
'Oh really. Remember that time when you-'
'Ok maybe I have once.' Hiro gave me a look. 'Ok fine more than once but I've always managed to escape.'
'Wow you must be slow if you were caught by the police. I've been wanted all over Texas yet I was smart enough to never get caught.' Leo said with arrogance and that stupid smirk on his face. Just to annoy him I ignored what he said and focused on Hiro.
'Since when have you cared about the law anyway, vigilante' I whispered the last part in his ear.
His eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
'Wasn't that hard to figure it out, it was so obvious, I'm just offended you never told me or asked me to join the team. It's way better than being in the same camp as this douche bag.'
'Sorry, but you mustn't tell anyone.' Hiro apologised
'I have this secret to keep about being a demigod, remember? I'm sure I can keep yours'
'Right' He said with his awkward laugh.
'It was nice to talk with another guy instead of having crazy pants here. She's going to be the death of me.' Leo said.
That made Hiro laugh. 'You guys really hate each other's guts. But I will take you up on that offer. And come by anytime Autumn, the gang really miss you too. Good luck.'
We said our goodbyes and left.
We were about to leave the bakery until Aunt Cass stopped us.
'Aw, leaving so soon.' She said with disappointment.
'I'm sorry but I'm sure if I come by next time I'll stay longer.' I wasn't sure if I will be able to actually see them again as quests are dangerous and I could be killed. That's the amazing life of a demigod everyone. My face looked a little down by the thought so I put on a fake smile to hide the sadness and like always it works.
'Ok but before you go, I want you to take some of these pastries to go.'
'Thanks Aunt Cass.' I waved her goodbye as she gave us the pasteries and I put it in her bag.
'We really appreciate it' Leo said kindly with a smile on his face. Wow who knew this guy had manners.
We left the cafe. We didn't have enough money to help us take us to the airport.
'Do you know the fastest way to the airport?' I asked Leo, to get some ideas.
'So you admit that you need my help.' He smiles smugly at me.
'Only this once, I've done everything so far to get us this ahead. Why don't you use that tiny brain of yours for once before it overloads from using it to much.' I returned the smirk. He thinks he can out trash talk me. Never.
Leo ignored me as he had already started to look for a solution.
Leo grabbed your arms without warning and dragged you to a car park. He then grabbed a helmet from a random black motorcycle and gave you another one to you.
I see where this is going now. I was about to sit in the drivers seat but Leo had beat me to it first.
'I know how to drive and where the airport is, you don't. Now we're doing this my way this time.' Wow Leo took control for once and I let him. What is wrong with me. But it wouldn't hurt for it to happen just this once and I was exhausted anyway.
'Fine' I said reluctantly.'but how are you going to turn the engine on' while I was saying that Leo had already used his tools to make a key for the motorcycle to start the engine.
That was petty cool. I will deny I ever said that ok.
I sat behind him with my hands holding on the side of the bike. You thought I wrapped my arms around his torso didn't you. Haha nope.
And off we went at the speed of lightning. Well In Leo's point of view. From mine it just seemed like he was driving as slow as a snail.

Runaways' (Leo Valdez fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα