Day 5 part 2

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Autumn's POV

'Come on, we've got a quest to finish, people to save and goddesses to free.' Leo said as he outstretches his hand towards me.

I look at it cautiously as if a whole new world is opening. To me, I see this as a chance to show Leo that I trust him and finally accept that I've let him in (not completely of course, but more than I've ever let anyone in). But if I ignore his gesture then i would still seem closed off and still don't trust him which might hurt him as I have said I have forgiven him.

It may seem insignificant to other people but to me it was a big deal. Or maybe I'm reading too much into this.

It seems I've stared at his hand too long as Leo goes to speak, 'helllloooo, anybody home'

I snap out of my thoughts and look at him confused. 'What?'

'You looked like you were reading my hand as if you could see the future. Unless your a fortune teller.' He jokes.

I look at him blankly, 'really, a fortune teller?' I ask while I take his warm hands in mine that seem to fit perfectly together as if it was meant to be there.

I shook off the foreign and weird feeling and looked back at him.

He ignores me, 'do you have any breakfast snacks because I am starving?'

I bring out a few breakfast bars and bottles of water.

We walk in silence as we finally reach the end of the camping ground and find a sidewalk with large buildings and houses that look like mansions.

We were getting closer to the last destination that I have been dreading. But then Zeus wanted to rain on our parade and let us suffer obviously by making the clouds turn dark and make it rain like it has never rained before.

This was unexpected, especially when we are in the middle of the summer in TEXAS. I let out a defeated sigh. The world doesn't make sense anymore.

I was still in my led zeppelin shirt but it's covered in dirt and a few scratches are made that shows a bit of my stomach. My jeans aren't lucky either with mud covering the front and back. And now to add to that, it's raining and my clothes are starting to stick to my body.

I look over to Leo to see he's perfectly fine with his red hoodie and body warmth as his heat has vaporised any trace of water on his skin.

This is so unfair.

Oh wait.

Idiot. I facepalm myself as I remember that I'm a daughter of Poseidon. I will the water to gather and leave me dry as it turns in to a puddle in front of me.

I may have protected myself from the rain but I couldn't protect myself from the cold that has sent me shivering like crazy.

I look to Leo and say 'i-I'm c-c-cold'

Leo looks to me with an amused smirk. The nerve of that guy.

'Well dam it Jackie I can't control the weather'
I smiled knowing he quoted the 70's show but bit it back so he wouldn't notice and not give him the satisfaction.

'Of course not but you can control your own body temperature so you don't really need that hoodie' I pointed out so he has no choice but to give me his hoodie. I'll even take it by force if I have to.

'Well since you asked so nicely' he droned sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

After threatening him that I would expose to his friends once we finish our mission that he drools and snores in his sleep, I was finally able to take the hoodie. I felt instant warmth. I also felt comfort in the hoodie because it smells like him which made me feel safe and secure. I am so never giving this back to him. I laughed to myself.

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