Day 1 of quest

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Leo's POV

Autumn is so annoying, rude, awful, and just straight up nasty. I should've come up with worse insult but I just couldn't think of any right now because of how stupid she is. She just had to get herself into trouble the minute we get out of camp. Yet again I have to save the day.
I grabbed my flaming weapon from my tool belt and threw it right into his stomach, it only made him stumble but it should've been enough to distract him so Autumn could move out of the way or at least try and kill him, but nooo Autumn was too frickn' distracted which had made the Cyclopes grab her and throw her only for her to hit a tree.
Ouch that must hurt.
I looked back at the Cyclopes with so much anger for hurting my frie- I mean partner in crime...for now.
'Hey ugly, bring your ugly ass here boy' I said to grab his attention and it worked (anyone know where that's from. If not it's from DC fly).
I snatched my hammer back from the ground and gave myself a running start so I could through the hammer really far with a lot of momentum. I then threw the hammer right into the Cyclopes eye. Next thing you know, golden dust exploded everywhere.
Ha beat that you freak.
Realisation dawned on me and I looked back to find Autumn slumped down a tree and losing a lot of blood. I ran as fast as my feet could take me to catch her in time. I'm not losing her when we had barely started this quest.
She was barely conscious when I caught up to her so I scooped her up and carried her bridal style until I found a cave to rest in and tend to her wounds.
I took ambrosia from Autumn's bag and then placed the bag under her head to keep her comfortable. We wouldn't want her to get a sore neck. I also summoned a blanket from my tool belt. I packed it just in case for a situation like this.
I used some of my survival skills that I had learned from the streets to mix some different plants and herbs to make certain type of cream to heal what couldn't be healed by ambrosia. I also got a scarf and tied it around her head to act as a bandage, it's also more stylish. What, I have good taste in fashion. *wink*
Once I had finished helping her I stayed up and made a fire to keep her warm so she wouldn't freeze to death. Not everyone is as hot as me. I was just staring at the fire trying to keep awake cuz I didn't want her to wake up alone.
Ugh Autumn just had to get herself into this mess. I don't know why she makes me feel so angry all the time, I've never felt that way towards anyone other than dirt face but still I was the one who bullied her she did nothing to me. What is wrong with me. I'm Leo Valdez I flirt with girls make them love me and fall for my jokes, not roast them and bully them. I really am an idiot. If only mum was here. She would've been able to guide me down the right path. She always knew what to do.
With that sad thought in mind, I was too lost in thought to realise 'angry bird' was starting to stir. Until she had sat up suddenly with a pained whimper. I noticed that she had bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming because she didn't want to seem weak in front me. (I can read people too).
She laid back down. I walked up to her with my face hovering above hers.
'Head rush. Horrible feeling isn't it.'

Autumn's POV
'Ugh seriously,why do I have to see your stupid face first thing when I wake up.' I said with my tongue feeling dry and head pounding.
'Well maybe because I'm the one who healed you and killed the monster.' Leo said angrily, although not like he was boasting. There was something else, another meaning to his anger but I couldn't pin point it.
Eh who cares. I obviously don't. I looked over my body in case he had poisoned me or something only to find that I was surprisingly healed with no bruises or cuts except for my head that was wrapped in a scarf.
'Don't worry, I didn't poison you' he read my mind. 'I just made do with my surroundings and used the plants with healing properties to do what the ambrosia couldn't.' My facial expression was nonchalant but inside I was completely shocked. He didn't leave me to rot and he helped me heal quicker. Who is this guy and what has he done with Leo Valdez.
'Never knew a guy like you could take care of someone.'
'Well that's what happens when you live on the streets, you learn things.' He said in a cold, empty tone that sent horrible vibes that actually scared you. It was the same time he used before he was about to hurt you when we were in school together. It sent cold shivers down your spine.
I can't believe I was going to do this but here goes nothing, 'Well um... thanks you'. I said I'm a quite voice but enough for him to hear.
'Sorry say that again' he said with a smirk playing on his lips. His tone of voice changed to a more mischievous one. It was better than the other tone so I was fine.
'I said it once and I will never say it again loser. And if you tell anyone I said that, I'll deny it.'
'Can't blame me for trying' he shrugged and started packing our stuff so we could leave since we can't afford to lose any more time.

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