Chapter 5

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         I don't know how long I was sitting there in the corner. I could feel the tears start to run down my face. My cheeks were wet and my eyes were puffy and I could barely breathe.

Don't you miss that power!!?

Go away

Awee, don't be that way. I missed it, it's been a while. Whatever just happened must have really broken your heart, because it never been that strong before. You know, the pull.

Please, just stop.

You know I care about you, come on talk to me. Looks like we must be a favorite of the moon goddess because we get a second mate.

Stop shouting.

I am not shouting, you are just a cry baby. How about this, next time it happens I'll try to fight it a little bit harder? Just tell me, what is he like?

How do you know it's a guy?

I've been bisexual for centuries now, I was just waiting for you to catch up.

Well, yeah he is a guy and it's not going to work. He is engaged, he didn't wait for us.

That's why you're upset?

YES! What else would I be upset about Antonius?

      He stayed quiet, maybe I shouldn't have yelled at him? I don't know our relationship was just weird. But he was right, he wasn't all bad, we were just dealt a bad hand. Antonius and I have had a hard past, what people didn't know was that Antonius was the moon goddess' hidden brother. There was a lot more that fell into that, a lot of backstories that I still didn't even know yet.

What are we going to do?

I don't know, I really just don't care. I am tired of getting my heartbroken.

Listen you got your heartbroken because I wasn't here to protect you. Listen, I know I have a bit of a temper but don't push me away. We need each other.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Now, tomorrow we are going to get our mate back and make him wish he never laid eyes on another man.


Tomorrow is gym class, right? That's all we need right there.

      He was right, we had gym tomorrow and Jedidiah works us out! I bet his fiance is going to be going to our school too. The odds of him being in our class is actually pretty likely, but trust me when I say he is going to regret it. There are a couple of girls in the class that flirts with me but I never paid attention, but now I think I might. I do feel bad but at the same time, I needed to do what I needed to do. And this was it. I am tired of being hurt and there is no way I am letting my mate go. I don't care that he is engaged, he is going to be mine, by the end of this month, we will be mated. That is a promise.


     I didn't have the strength to get up and walk to my bed, so I just slept on the floor last night. Antonius was surprisingly nice? I really don't know but it was truly a weird feeling to have a lycan again. I got up and walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I got out and walked to my closet and started going through all of my clothes. For some reason, any clothes I picked up just didn't seem right. I groaned in frustration and decided to wear a pair of black Nike sweatpants and a white Nike sweatshirt and black Nike tennis shoes. It was pretty chilly out so I was warm enough to where I didn't need my coat. I grabbed my backpack and keys and walked down to the kitchen, it was spotless. Taylor must have cleaned it up for me after I went to my room. It was too bad no one was able to eat any of the food I cooked.

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