Începe de la început

Yoongi reached for the blanket on the back of the sofa and dragged it across Ha Rin's body.



"What do you think of your group members?" Ha Rin was asked in the middle of an interview with her group.

Instantly she replied, "RM is the best leader!" She bore a huge smile on her face and it was evident that she truly believed what she was saying.

Namjoon had a small smile on his face. He always believed that he was just doing his best as any leader would do. But Ha Rin and the others had always had such blind faith in him.

"What about the others?" The interviewer asked but Ha Rin misunderstood the question. Thinking she meant the other leader-figures in her life.

"There are no others!" Ha Rin insisted wrapping her arms around Namjoon in a tight hug.

The other BTS members (who had understood the question) chuckled at her antics.



Hoseok was sat at his place during a fansign. He was having a lot of fun greeting ARMY's and making his fans happy. But understandably, as time went on, he grew tired.

Ha Rin, from her place at the opposite side of the table, saw this and attempted to cheer him up in what ARMY's thought was the most adorable way ever.

She stood up and ran to his side of the table holding her arms in a heart formation. "You're my hope!" She yelled at him before instantly running back to the fan waiting for her album to be signed.

J-hope smiled brightly and the other members all smiled at the display.

At the end of the fansign, J-hope stole an empty post it note from Namjoon and wrote on it "Thank you, You are MY hope!"

He stuck the post it note onto Ha Rin's back and never told her he put it there. But half an hour later, when Jin pointed out that she had something on her back... she knew who had wrote it.



Taehyung and Ha Rin were both fans of the Cypher series but both had never been included despite Ha Rin's role as a rapper.

The two of them decided that they would rap along to the whole series on a Vlive to peacefully protest against their members and show ARMY's they should be involved.

Ha Rin, in a fit of giggles, started the Vlive. But every time Taehyung tried to say anything to fans, she instantly burst into a giggle fit again.

Deciding that she was, in fact, a lost cause. He started rapping without her.  She joined in at the second verse and smiled at the comments that ARMY's had left on the Vlive.

At the end of the Vlive she said "Saranghae" addressing the fans. But Taehyung, thinking that she had said it to him, hugged her and said "Saranghae"

The comments exploded with softness and so did Ha Rin's heart. She patted his head and repeated the words to him.



Jimin and Ha Rin were the shortest members of the group. Ha run being 5'5" and Jimin being 5'8". Whenever anyone teases Jimin about his height she goes down onto her knees and insists that she is really 4 foot something to make him feel better. She even bought a pair of stilts to support her elaborate story.

"Thank you" he told her one day after she had done it once again.

"You're welcome" she smiled back at him.

The two locked eyes and burst into a giggle fit at the pure absurdity of the entire situation.

"You're not that short" she told him in reassurance. "Borrow my stilts and you'll be the tallest person I know" she joked.

He laughed at her attempt at making him feel better. Ha Rin really acted like a mother to everyone. He wondered why ARMY had never noticed before.

He hugged her gratefully and she returned the hug.



"Are you okay?" She asked him once more before he left.

"I'm fine Noona!" He insisted. She, being of a very motherly personality, always makes sure that he's okay. Although, admittedly Jungkook sometimes finds it quite annoying.

"I don't need to be looked after!" He told her again.

Ha Rin thought this was the most ridiculous sentence you'd ever heard.

"Everyone needs to be looked after!" She told him.

"So I'm everyone?" He asked, in mock hurt.

"No, my Kookie is special!" She smiled at him and embraced him tightly.

When she pulled away she handed him some lunch. "If you're going to be practising a lot today I made your lunch!"

"I could've done it myself" he mumbled as he bid her goodbye and finally stepped out of the door.





A/N- Last chapter I left a bit of mystery... who is Ha Rin's mystery date? Anyone want to take a guess? 💋

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