39- The Croaked Memories

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Let's play a game.

I tilted my head at the sudden unfamiliar voice lurking in my head.

"What was that?" I asked myself in wonder but brushed it off anyway as I continued walking aimlessly. However, the voice suddenly came back again.

Why aren't you like Namjoon, always hiding in Heaven's library?

Well, it's because that's boring, and I like spending time with my friend.

Giggles suddenly echoed in my head after the last line which for some reason sounded like Taehyung.

Why am I suddenly hearing a weird conversation between Taehyung and someone I don't know about?

I clenched my fists in fury, remembering that Taehyung made it clear that he won't answer any of my questions.

He is being so mean to me, and it hurts.

I suddenly halted when I felt footsteps following me, so I sighed and turned to face the person behind me, saying "What are you doing here Yoongi?"

He took some steps towards me and said, "Taehyung is hiding something from me, and also you seemed down when you left my house. I know there are things which I shouldn't know. So can I at least accompany you for comfort? and Tae isn't home anyway."

I hummed with my body tensing up the moment he said Tae wasn't home.

Does this mean he can stay away from Yoongi?

Another lie, huh!

I chuckled out loud in disbelief and despair which made Yoongi approach me as he placed his hand on my shoulder, aiming to comfort me, but I brushed him off.

"Leave. You won't understand," I stated and turned to walk away, but that didn't stop him from following me.

I ignored his presence and kept walking until I subconsciously found myself in front of Jin's house.

I gulped as I knocked on his door and moments later the door opened accompanied with a heavy sigh coming from Jin, who was standing right in front of me while starting at my Soul.

"What do you want now?" He irritatedly said.

"I don't know. To talk maybe!" I shrugged not knowing the real reason behind coming to this place of all places on Earth.

He gestured me to get in along with Yoongi, who was still following me since the beginning.

"What's with him?" I heard Jin whisper to Yoongi, who couldn't give an answer.

He has extraordinary strength. He is favoured by God and on top of that, he is dumb, how ironic!

I held my head in my palm when another voice resonated into my brain.

My breathing started to hitch when suddenly the air around me felt different. Something pure was filling my lungs yet so evil at the same time.

"Jungkook hang in there. Are you okay?" Jin's autotuned voice made it to my ears.

I felt a hand on my shoulder when out of nowhere that touch felt like it teleported me into another universe. A place filled with grass and flower beds.

I looked ahead of me then beside me, finding Taehyung sitting there. However, he looked different than he looks now.

His eyes were bright and filled with light. They were glowing with purity and excitement.

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