🥶LiAngelo Ball🤙🏽

Start from the beginning

Suddenly we heard the faint cry of Aaliyah making us pull back slowly,thankfully,I would've hated for anything to have went any further knowing he was still in a relationship.

The doorbell happened to ring at the same time as it was practically a sign from god to get the fuck before anything went any further "get the door ,I'll go get her"I backed away from him as he smiled licking his bottom lip.

Her cry's became louder as I neared her nursery,
"what's wrong mama"I picked her up out of her crib kissing her cheek,feeling her warm forehead, as she began cooing with tears pouring out of her eyes
"Aww your warm" I laid her back down to quickly change her diaper ,leaving her in a fresh one before I went to grab the digital thermometer from her closet.

I put it under her arm and waited as she quickly became irritable all over again and I became worried,this was the first time she's ever been this warm,the thermometer beeped as my heart dropped in my ass and it read 102.

I immediately called my mom who's a nurse at USCF Medical Center ,she should be at work now.
"Hey baby what's up?"my moms soothing voice came through the phone
"Ma , Liyah's burning up"I whined along with her as I picked her up trying to calm her
"You check her temp?"she asked
"Yeah"I cleared my throat
"Well what is it hun?"she asked obviously
"Uh 102"I said nervously hoping she'd say it wasn't that big of a deal
"Ah hell"she said worriedly
"Maaa"I whined.
"Baby I'm serious the average temp for a baby shouldn't be over 100 let alone 102"she explained
"I'm on my way"I exhaled
"K hurry and cover her up, call me when your here ,I'll fill out the papers"she instructed
"I will"I answered as I hung up

I held her to my chest as I immediately grabbed her blue baby bear fluffy hooded onesie from her closet gently putting it on her
,I filled her baby bag with everything needed as her cry's became louder and more dreadful making my heart quicken.

"Lemme see her"Gelo walked in gently taking her from me laying her small body on his chest rubbing her back as I ran my hand through my now wild curly hair stressed and nervous as ever,putting her blanket in her bag she slowly began to calm down with her eyes half open as she groaned as if she was in pain."daddy's got you baby" he reassured her.

"Why she crying like this?"he asked looking down at me
"Because "I grabbed the thermometer showing it to him,as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"That's too high right?"he pecked her head twice
"Yeah ,imma take her in"I exhaled grabbing her bag putting it over my shoulder
"I'll take you ,go change,I'll meet you in the car ,don't worry ma"he nodded rubbing my shoulder sensing my worry
"Yeah, Ok "I nodded patting his hand softly on my back before leaving the room and going to mines down the hall ,I practically destroyed my whole room in a matter of 30 seconds finding something comfy to put on

After grabbing my phone ,I locked the door before going over to my Jeep that was next to Gelo's Dodge Charger GT.
He sat in the drivers seat as I got in the back to watch Aaliyah even tho she was buckled in her car seat fast sleep.


We walked into the dark house ,as I began turning on the lights and Gelo made his way upstairs to lay Aaliyah down,turn's out she has an ear infection which caused her fever and irritation,she was prescribed acetaminophen and sleep but of course after she was treated and half sleep my mom had to walk her around showing her to her coworkers,my mom takes every bit of pride in her grandchild even though my dad passed last year just 2 months after I found out I was pregnant ,she still managed to smile and be the best grandparent Aaliyah could ever ask for besides Gelo's parents who love her to death also.

After taking a quick 5 minute shower and changing , I put my hair into a pineapple updo,tidied up my room a little before heating up 5 slices of left over pizza from earlier and grabbed two Gatorades

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