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The front door swung open with Vance holding a softball in his hand and Mason running into his mom's lap.

"You okay mommy?" Mason asked

"Yes hunny, mommy just got a little too over heated today." She said with her color renewed to her face minus the flushness of her checks from moments ago.

Reese came walking in with Ellie in her arms and Millie at her side. Millie came walking to the couch and scooted her way up to Monroe.

"How you feeling Monroe, you had me worried sick." "Sorry if Kane wasn't the best company, I would have stayed back with you if I could."

Reese sat right next to me, hopeful she wouldn't smell Monroe on me.

"So has anyone heard from Dex yet?" "Not even a text?" Reese said looking at me and Monroe both

Monroe just shook her head as she gave Millie another kiss on the forehead.

"I'm going to step outside and call him." I said trying not to show off any more concern than I should. "Maybe he'll answer my call."

Before reaching the kitchen I turned back facing back to Monroe. My heart fluttered with the sights of her children adoring her.

"You know Monroe, if you had heat stroke and had to be taken to the hospital Dex still wouldn't have any idea you were in need of help."

I felt my voice rise. My chest started to tighten and I felt protective over Monroe, if I had to stand up to Dex I would.

"Regardless if he's a good friend of mine no man should treat their partner like this."

I shut the back door behind me leading out to the deck.

The phone rang three times

"Hey man what's up?" Dex said with a crowded noise of people in the back round

"Hey Dex, did you know that Monroe had heat exhaustion tonight? She passed out at the ball field earlier. The situation could have been a lot worse." "She could really use your help." I said feeling my face become hot

"Oh geez, she okay?" Dex said with no sound of worry in his tone

"I don't know Dex maybe you should come home and ask her that yourself." I hung up the phone and made my way back into the house

I was angry. How a person could be so engulfed in themselves that they put their loved ones needs aside. What was so important for Dex to be at the bar and not be home with his family? I knew of his track record of being a drinker and being quite the conversationalist with others at the bar but all I felt should be put aside for the sake of his family.

I walked back into the living room where everyone was.

"Did he answer?" Reese asked

"Ya he did."

"What bar do you think he's at Monroe?" I asked trying to keep my cool for the sake of the kids.

"Umm, if I had to guess maybe The Royal." "Why do you ask?"

"I'm going to go see what's keeping him!" I said "What's more pressing then his unwell fiancé."

"Kane do you think that's a good idea?" Reese said standing from the couch. "I mean I know were all angry with him for not being here but if he's been drinking maybe we shouldn't approach him about it yet."

I didn't even hear the end of what Reese was saying and I was out the front door.

I text Reese before I left the drive way.

The Way She Sliced Her PearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon