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I was on my third cup of coffee. It was seven something and I couldn't help my mind from thinking of Monroe. I've been up since five with feelings of that night. It was a frosty cold morning but that made my thoughts seem more crisp and clear. I had put in about three logs which took the chill off. My hazelnut brew was smooth and warmed my belly. Everyone was still sleeping until I saw Dex pour himself some coffee and walked his way to the deck where I was sitting.

"Morning" Dex said

"Good morning."

"Man its cold out here, how long you've been up?"

"Not for too long."

He sat across from me with his Carhart sweater on and a stocking cap. The heat of his coffee was steaming from his mug. For some reason when I worked with him over this last winter season I was reminded of Monroe every day. I'd occasionally ask him how the family was doing but that was all I let myself do. We had a great season working together and I didn't want to spoil that with my uncontrollable desires for his wife.

Dex was looking down at his mug, took a small sip and looked up at me. I could tell something was on his mind. His mischievous grin said it all.

"So, do you want to hear something crazy?" Dex asked looking back into the cabin making sure no one was up yet.

I nodded "Shoot"

"I'm going to propose to Monroe during this weekend." "I wanted to get your help with where and how I should do it." "I'd ask Reese but I don't think those two could keep a secret from one another if they tried." He said

I chuckled, knowing all too well the secrets that were being kept from the both of them.

It was a combination of his proposal and the caffeine that made my heart start to race. Marriage? They were going on six years or so being together but was marriage something for them? With Dex's track record of hurting Monroe and my foolish pull towards her recently. I didn't feel like it was something that either of them ought to do.

Even putting aside the immense attractions and desire I had towards Monroe it was only a matter of time before Dex screws up again. Monroe will become an emotional wreck, doubting herself, not thinking she deserves better and then she'll forgive him and then wait for him to do it all over again.

Dex was a true friend to me and one I would have a hard time living without but he made for one unforgivable, self-absorbed, self-centered partner. Knowing well what he was constantly putting her through started to weigh on my respect for the man.

His egocentric ways only made Monroe fall for him more. It wasn't her fault. She was always trying to please him from the time she woke then well into the night. It was just in her nature to be kind and pleasing to others. My all-time favorite attributes of hers. Dex didn't deserve any of that worth from her. If Monroe could only experience someone who actually appreciated her efforts. Someone who truly loved her. She would then realize her self-worth.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming from you." I said with a smile "I know how her mom has been married a few times and your dad being well, you know." I said

"Yea, I know. I love that woman so damn much. What a better place to pop the question then in the mountains overlooking this all."

He raised his arm gesturing to the pine tree covered mountains.

"I want her to have my last name and to show her that I love her."

"Has she been pestering you recently about marriage? Like showing you pictures of rings and wedding venues?" I asked

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