Chapter 37: The Fair

Start from the beginning

Harry's POV

I rushed her to the ground as quickly as the Firebolt would let me. When we touched ground I checked her over for any cuts, brusies and stuff. Stupid Muggle, jumping off a ferris wheel, I thought. She opened her eyes- electric blue.

"Am I dead?" She asked in a slight American accent. I bit back the urge to say yes.

"No- nearly, but no." I replied, lifting up her bandage to find a scab, puffy and blue. "Eugh how did you do THAT?"

"Tripped over a volleyball." She shrugged.

"You tripped... over a volleyball?" I repeated. How could you trip over a Volleyball? They're too big not to see!

"Yep!" She nodded. I rolled my eyes and muttered a healing spell. The swelling ceased and turned to a relitivley normal colour. Her eyes widened. "You dids magic!" Oh snap...

"No I didn't..." I protested.

"You did!"







"Okay, so I did- but you can't tell anyone!" I told her.

"Sure! Is is Livia!" She giggled, getting up.

"I'm... Henry." I randomly made up.

"Awesome! My friends are doin' this singing thing wanna come?" She asked.

"Um... Okay." I nodded, following her.
You know, she was actually quite pretty.

Sophia's POV

We searched high and low for Livia, but we couldn't find her.

"Hey guys!" Livia's voice rang out. We turned to see Livia standing near the kareokee booth with Harry. "This is Henry!" ...Henry? Melina ran to Livia.

"Livia don't you EVER do that to me again!" She scolded, hugging her tight.



"You two knows each other?" Livia asked.

"You could say that. Henry blames me for Justin's death." I spat.

"Blamed? It was your fault!" Henry-Harry argued.

"How was it my fault?" I asked.

"Oh come on, lets get this competition ON!" Freddy grinned. "You guys against us!"

"LETS GET IT ON!" Bryn yelled. Livia was up first.

"I'm gonna, like, sing Barbie Girl, with Henry singing the Ken parts." She said, dragging Henry-Harry up. The music started.

"Hey Barbie!" He said, sighing. I guessed he didn't want to do this.

"Hi Ken!" Livia giggled.

"Wanna go for a ride?"

"Sure Ken!"

"Jump in..." Now would start the singing. Lucky for Harry-Henry, I didn't think there would be many Ken-singing parts. And if there was... I grinned.

"I'm a Barbie girl,
In the Barbie World!
Life in plastic, it's fantastic,
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere!" Livia sang in a slightly out-of-tune voice.
Life is your creation!"

"Come on Barbie let's go party!" Harry-Henry said, wincing. Draco laughed out loud.

"I'm a Barbie girl,
In a Barbie world,
Life in Plastic,
It's fantastic!
You can brush my hair,
Undress me everywhere,
Life is your creation!

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