Married to a...ghost?

Start from the beginning

"Great well I'll see you then." He said sounding a bit happier.

"Okay see you then." I said hanging up the phone happy that maybe we could finally make a plan to get out of this shelter.


I woke up the next morning confused because Marshall's bed was exactly the way he left it before he left last night which meant he never came back the entire night.

He must've stayed at one of his friends house I figured as I continued to get dressed for the day. 

I was rushing to get into my work uniform and meet Aspen for coffee before my shift started, I took the bus to the nearest bus stop on 7 mile and walked to the cafe surprised I had actually made it there at exactly 8 O'clock and apparently so had Aspen because he was waiting for me when I arrived in a booth.

We sat down had coffee and just discussed different financial saving plans to do in order to start saving up for a new house, he gave me tips on what me and Marshall needed to do in order to get a loan and I was just praying that Marshall had good credit.

Eventually me and Aspen started talking about other things and I found out some pretty interesting things about his life, his parents were both lawyers, and he had a brother and a sister, but his brother had recently disappeared out of no where and no body could find him. I could tell her was really upset talking about his brothers mysterious disappearance and I tried to uplift him with encouraging words that he'll be found and he'll be okay, but I could tell it was weighing heavily on him. He said his brother had recently been on drugs and was acting more and more unusual. I didn't wanna tell him my real thoughts that maybe he went looking for drugs and pissed off some drug dealers and was probably dead, but dealing with drugs dealers in Detroit was a risky business.

Anyway after our conversation we both said goodbye and I headed to work for another long shift, When I walked in I immediately saw Marshall working the grill in the back. I looked at him shooting him a confused look like where was he the entire night but he ignored me and just kept on cooking.

Now I definitely knew something was up and I was gonna find out what it was.


Both of our shifts had ended and after another long silent bus ride together I was really confused as to why he wasn't talking to me. So as soon as we set foot in our room I stood blocking the door just in case he tried to escape again.

"Okay what's going on?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"What you mean?" he asked taking off his work shirt to change into his sweatshirt but it was in that moment I could see multiple red splotches on his chest and even his neck.

Wait...are those hickies???

"Are those hickies!?" I said shocked.

He pulled his sweater down and then sent me a cold stare with a shrug to match, "Maybe." He said laying down on the bed.

"So is that why you never came back last night? You were busy hooking up with some girl?" I questioned getting more and more pissed.

I understood this entire marriage was fake but we still had to make it look real, because in a way it was, we were really married, which meant none of us should be seeing anybody else even if we wanted too! He's gonna get us kicked out of this shelter and sent out on the streets!

"Why should you care? Our marriage is fake anyway." He said taking a playboy magazine out of his drawer and flipping through it.

"Of course I care, Marshall the only reason we're allowed to stay here is because they think we're married!! Which we actually are!" I reminded him in a high hiss, trying not to be to loud.

He huffed throwing the magazine down, "So you can go out here and whore around but I can't?" He said glaring at me angrily.

"What are you even talking about!?" I defended completely confused.

"I heard you and Natasha talking on your break, who the hell is Aspen??" He said now standing up directly in front of me causing me to take a step back.

"He's a guy I met that night I went to the bar with Natasha and her friends, he's a frickin Risk Consultant Marshall, he can help us with our financial issues and getting the loan we need!" I defended surprised that he was eavesdropping on our conversation, "And did you just call me a whore!?" I shouted.

"Right like i'm supposed to believe anything you say, your nothing but a slut Clarity." He said shaking his head.

I had not the slightest clue where any of this was coming from, but I wasn't about to stand here and let some guy I barely even knew call me a slut.

"What the hell is your problem?! Why are you acting like a jealous husband when we're not even together!!" I said in a angry whisper.

"Because I hate liars!" He yelled.

"What did I lie about Marshall, tell me!?" I said my voice raising.

He shook his head and laughed, "Can't believe I actually even felt sorry for you that night at the after party, Here I am thinking this man was trying to rape you when in reality you probably were begging for it-" He didn't get to finished that sentence before my hand made contact with his cheek.

"You asshole!" I yelled, "I wouldn't lie about that, the fact that you even think I'm capable of that!" I cried feeling frustration build even further.

He clutched the side of his cheek sending me the dirtiest look, "Well you tell me what i'm supposed to believe after you've lied to me the entire time Clarity- Or should I say Kristi Gibson." He angrily laughed looking at my shocked expression.

"How the hell-"

"I was in the Hip Hop Shop going through some CD's found this chick on the front of this old ass Record that resembled you,  I mean I almost didn't recognize you with the purple hair but I asked the manager who it was, and he said it was a woman named Kristi Gibson, Famous R&B Singer in Detroit for 3 years straight!" He angrily hissed.

I shook my head not believing he had find out this information so quick.

"But that's not the weird part is it Clarity?" He asked me.

"Stop." I said shaking my head not wanting to hear anymore.

"No the weird part is apparently one day you were involved in a car accident and when the police went to fish your car out of Lake fricking Eerie you were no where to be seen, but guess who they did find Clarity?" He said stepping closer.

"Stop I don't wanna hear anymore of this!" I said feeling all my anxiety from before come back as tears fell down my face.

"Your brother right? They said he died from drowning in the passenger seat, but that's not it, apparently you were the one driving, only your body wasn't ever found and you were declared dead by the state of Michigan 2 years ago!" He revealed.

Your mouth flew open but words weren't coming out, he stepped closer to me until we were face to face. I could hear my heart beat thudding at a irregular pace as his eyes bore directly into mine.




"So, do you wanna tell me why the hell i'm married to a ghost?" He asked.


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