....What To Do....

Start from the beginning

"It hurts. Ooo what are you cooking"

"Mac and cheese I think." Poet jumped out of his chair. "Is it done?"

"Almost let me get Sana some medicine."
I walked over and looked at the paper for Sana.
I had to change her bandages, give her this and this one for the concussion. I looked at Poets papers as well. Please give his school a call.

I could just pay someone to teach him at home. I don't want to lock him here though. What if the others found out about this. Jennie would kill me. I could imagine and Jeongyeon...


"Ah I'm sorry. Here take this"
I handed her medicine and got the food from the microwave for Poet. "Here you go. Eat next to Sana"

"Ok thanks." Good thing this boy wasn't crazy or anything.

"Sana should I get Poet a person who can teach him here or do I just get someone to bring him to school. I mean ah thats a lot to deal with"

"You could get Mina to bring him."

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know that we were secretly raising a child."
She rolled her eyes. "This is Mina we're talking about. She will not tell anyone."

"Chaeyoung will get curious and keep asking you know that and then Chaeyoung will tell dahyun and so on until they tell Jeongyeon"

"Why are you worrying so much"

"Because I don't want your girlfriend to find out I'm raising a child with you! I don't want to do this! Why are you back! I thought I could just get away. The dreams will come back. The thoughts. Sana.."

She got up and started walking towards me.
"Nothing is going on between us"

"So you think if they found about this they'll think are reason for hiding him was right."

"No but all I know is that nothing is going to happen and I want to raise Poet with you"

"Why me?"

"Why not. You perfectly capable of doing it. Can you imagine jeong doing this"

"I can"

"Well you don't know her well enough. She would combust" She laughed at the thought. "But I know you wouldn't"

"I think I will."

"No. Don't say that he's quietly sitting there enjoying his food. He should be an easy kid to deal with." She put her hand on my arm squeezing it lightly. "Can you help me change my bandages sorry.."

"Yeah I'll help."

My phone started to ring. Jeongyeon.

"Here Sana"


"Babe are you ok! Why didn't anyone tell us! Where are you!"

"I'm with Jihyo. I'm ok. We didn't want you all to worry and Jihyo was the only number the hospital had"

"Are you still there?"

"No. I just need to change my bandages and figure out my new routine with pills and stuff."

"Ah god. I want to see you"

"You will. In a couple of hours I'll have Jihyo bring me home ok"

"Ok. I love you~"

"I love you ostrich~"

"I thought you only loved me" Jihyo smirked and started to take off the bandage on my arm.

"I do love you" she stopped. "Grab those over there"

"Do you still love me?"

"Sana stop. I can't do this."

"I'm sorry..."

"So you really like jennie?"

"So you really like Jeongyeon~" she mocked me. "Jihyo stop I'm curious."

"Yes I do. Ok next arm"


Why would she even ask me. I just want her gone. It's hard enough now that I have to raise a child with her. Ugh. Jackson if you were here I'd kill you again.

I figured out her schedule and brought her back to momos. Everyone was giving her hugs and kisses. Jeongyeon was actually crying when she saw Sana. I just backed away and tried to go out the door but a hand caught my arm. Sana smiled at me. "Thanks for helping out." Ah that smile...

"No problem."

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