....Him Again....

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I wanted to start looking for a job but Momo asked for help so I was now at dahyuns side.
Dahyun was showing me fully around the whole place. It looked more like a place that would hold trainees then a dance class.

There were many different dance rooms and other rooms as well. Even though it was much smaller than Jihyos company it felt like it could turn out well. "Dahyun this is just for dancers right?"

"No. Well yes. But we are going to basically start up a group I think. Momo never told you about wanting to expand?"

"Her workshop yes but making groups no." Dahyun laughed. "Well she does. Are you planning on helping out more. Momo needs to find people and needs like a manager and stuff. She thought you'd be great since you worked with Jihyo."

Jihyo would laugh at me if I was helping another company other than hers. "I think Jihyo wouldn't like the idea"

"Wait why?" Momo popped up and frowned. "I don't know.." she handed me a clipboard with sign up sheets on it and a pen. "Jihyo is a meanie. I need about seven boys. I gave you more information in the text I sent right...now!" My phone buzzed. Momo and dahyun smiled and waved goodbye. They left me with the clipboard alone.

I started my walk. There wasn't many people this early in the morning. I decided to go up to where Jihyos company was and see if there were any people looking to be trainees.

A big number of people were outside of the building. There were a couple of groups so I took a deep breath and walked towards one of the them.

The boys looked at me and smiled. I bowed. "Hi. Are..you looking to be trainees by any chance?" They all nodded. Easy

"Yes. We are just about to go in. Are you?"

"No no. I'm actually looking for potential trainees for my friends company. Here" I handed them each one of the sign up papers. Their faces all lit up. "Is it a new company? I never heard of this one"

"Yep. It's bran new so it will be easy to get in. I don't know much about the subject but my wife is Park Jihyo. It's very hard to debut in her company. Don't tell Jihyo I said this, if you do get in but Momo is nicer with everything so go to her company." They laughed and didn't disagree. "So tomorrow at three?"

"Yes!" The six of them bowed. "Thank you so much"

Once they all left I looked for that other group of boys but they had all left. One guy who looked about my age was sitting down. I walked up to him and took a seat at the empty spot next to him.

He turned his head.

"Hey cutie. Where are you going after this? Wanna bail on gym?" The last thing I needed after being scolded on the phone was him bothering me. He tried this every day.

"No I'm ok"

"Come on" he hit me in the arm. "No fun Sana. Sana come on, I know you want to"

"I need to pass unlike you."

"Oh snap. That one hurt. Let's see how you like it" his hit was hard this time. I sped up. "Sana come on. Turn or I'll hit you even harder"

"Oh I'm so scared Jackson." He chuckled but hit my arm again. "I'm not going"

He grabbed my hair. I stopped in my tracks. He pulled me down and rubbed his hand all around my hair making it a complete mess. He squeezed my cheeks and bopped my nose before shoving me away from him and throwing some dirt at my face.

"Have fun at gym class. You look great."

Him again. My good old highschool bully.

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