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"Shit. What the fuck" I quickly moved off of Sana and picked up my phone that was ringing none stop. "Who is it?"

"Nayeon. I'll put it on speaker if she calls aga—nayeon Hello?"

"Jihyo! Are you on speaker?"


"Ok we'll get off because this might be personal."

"Well Sanas the only thing I've got, now tell me. Did Daniel die?"

"No but a girl tried to kill her self in front of the building saying that she wanted to see you. She said that you ruined her life but she missed you and then she slit her arm. She's at the hospital now."

I immediately turned the phone off of speaker and locked myself into the bathroom. "What the fuck!? Who?"

"Her name is Wendy"

"Fuck! Do you know if she's still at the hospital?"

"I don't know"


I put on some clothes and rushed out of the bathroom. "Jihyo! Is everything ok?"

"Yea. I just need to get this straightened out. Don't worry. I'll be back tonight. Love you baby" I kissed her cheek and bolted out the door. I couldn't miss Wendy. There was no way in hell I was going to let her blame me for ruining her life and kill her self because of that thought.

I walked into the hospital. I waited in a thirty minute line to be told that she left the hospital already. What kind of world is this to let a mentality ill person back out on the streets a couple hours later.


"I need you to send out people and look for Wendy. In my office there are files I have of Sana and stuff hers should be in there. I can't have this girl blaming me for shit."

"Ok. I'll get to it."

"Don't read it just have Mina drive it to Daniels and let him send out people. He's the one who found me that girl in the first place. Tell him to call me when he has the paper."


"Home!" Sana emerged from the bedroom with no clothes on still. "We didn't even finish. Did I tire you out that much?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes. "So everything ok with that girl?"

"Yes. There trying to find her. I just don't want rumors or anything spreading about How some random girl was trying to kill herself"

"But she's not a random girl if Nayeon said it might be personal? Who was it?"

"I freaked out when I thought she said something else but it was actually someone I didn't know..."

I felt sick that I just lied to her face but I just couldn't bring myself to talk about Wendy.

"Oh that's good. Are you tired?"

"Yes but hungry too. Let eat and then finish what we started sound good baby?"

"Sounds great!"

Had to make that girl Wendy because for some reason in a couple of fics I've read they've shipped Jihyo with her so why not.

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