Markipier X Reader

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A/N this is a sad story so... just idk it took a lot of sad Hamilton and Twenty One Pilot songs to write.

I set my bags down and slide down my front door to the cold hardwood floor. I sulk in my arms, sniffing at times and sobbing at other times. I have to get rid of every picture of her I possibly can before I go insane. I sit up and walk over to one of my dressers, my head limp bobbing up and down each step I take. I grab the picture frame and feel tears brewing in my eyes.

 I grab the picture frame and feel tears brewing in my eyes

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I felt a cold presence behind me. "Y-Y/N..." I choke out putting my hand over my mouth. I sob. "W-why did y-you have to g-go..." I say between hiccups.
"Y/N I didn't-" "you didn't?!" She yells. "You didn't what?! You've forfeit the place in our bed mark!" She screams tears running down her face. She looks down and sniffles. "I hope your satisfied with your actions mark..." she mumbles. (IM SORRY I CANT STOP DOING THESE HAMILTONS REFERENCES) I grab her arm. "Y/N it was an act of my careers sacrifice!" I spit. She pauses, her eyes wide looking at me. "Sacrifice?" She breaths snatching her arm back. "You were paranoid in every video, on how they perceive you!" She yells turning around and stomping to our bedroom door. "Y/N!" I yell running after her. "Y/N open the door!" I say banging on the door. I try and turn the doorknob but it was no use. "Y/N please get out please!" I scream pounding on the door. I snatch my coat and run outside to our bedroom window. I look around frantically trying to find a way to get up. God what is wrong with me?! Why did I cheat on her?! I scramble around and find an old rope. I throw the rope up into the bedroom window. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf. She sang pressing on the piano keys. It eventually catches onto a firm piece of furniture and stays there. I tug on the rope just in case and climb up. Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf.
I terribly sing, she laughs pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. The rope breaks and I fall down. "Y/N!" I yell running to a nearby tree and climbing up it. Good, Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf. She lightly presses the keys kissing my cheek. I chuckle and wrap an arm around her while singing along. I make it to the top and stand up on a branch. I jump onto the window and push my way up it. I'm in the bathroom, shit! Un, deux, trois. She sang her voice slowly fading. I grab the door knob and turn it, my breathing heavy. Sept, huit, neuf. I sang. Nobody sang back. I turn the door knob and see her laying on the floor. Sept, huit... I run to her side and grab her arms. "Y/N!" I yell. She didn't respond. "Y/N please!" I put my head on her chest and listen.
I look at her face and sob. "Why Y/N..." the picture frames glass glistened in the light. I could see a faint reflection in the glass. "Y/N..." I breath smiling. I turn around but... nobody's there. I cry tears of happiness this time. "I'm so sorry Y/N..." I choke wiping the tears from my cheeks. I set the picture frame down and adjust the hoodie on my hood. "Every great woman's story gets told. Every great woman gets to grow old." I say and run my hands through my hair. My face drys and I continue. "I stop wasting time on tears." I say and sit down on her favorite chair. "I'll live another fifty years it's not enough." I pause and grin. "I'll tell your story Y/N." I say and confidently get up and walk outside. I run to the city and instantly people start recognizing me. "Markiplier?" One questions. "Oh my god is that markiplier?!" Another whispers. They continue and swarm around me. "Everyone I have a story to tell!" I yell. "So please no pictures!" I continue on.
I giggle. Your such a dork mark... I sit up and walk away but suddenly a sound erupts. Was that... no it can't be! I run back and see mark laying there. "Mark!" I scream. I take a step backwards. Mark was laying in a pool of blood, a gunshot wound in his chest. He grips his chest and tries to stand up. The crowd yells and screams running around. Two people try comforting him while one calls the police.

 Two people try comforting him while one calls the police

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Mark shit!" I close my eyes and teleport to the scene. He starts coughing up blood and gripping his shirt even more. I run over to him and hold him. "You'll get through this mark." I whisper stroking his cheek. "Y-Y/N?" He stutters. "No! No mark it is t me!" I yell. "Mark focus on the girls not me." I say. "You have so much to live for." I cry. Eventually an ambulance arrives and takes him away. I snuck on and watched him lay there, blood staining the white cloth that surrounding his body. "Mark you will survive." I mumble kissing his forehead.
20 Years Later...
"Hello everybody my name is markiplier!" Mark says into his microphone. "So this is the man you married?" My mom says. "Mom!" I laugh. She shrugs. "You have a strange taste in men." She jokes. I lightly push her. "Oh shut up!" I say. Suddenly mark starts coughing. "Y/N..." my mom whispers. I raise an eyebrow. "What is it mom?" I ask now worried. "Y/N it's marks time." She mumbles. My eyes widen. "What n-no!" I scream running towards him. "He's so young! Mom how can we stop this?!" I cry out. She hangs her head and shakes it. "We can't stop it..." she mutters. "Mark please honey stay alive!" I whisper stroking his cheek. "Y/N!" He breaths. He looks around. "Am I- are you-" he engulfs me in a hug. I giggle and cry. "Mark your so young looking!" I chuckle. He smiles. "I do?" He looks down and his eyes widen. "T-the white hoodie..." he tugs on his hoodie. I look down at mine and smile. "We're matching silly." "Were matching silly." Tears start rolling down his cheeks. "I love you Y/N! I'm so sorry!" He says pulling me into another tight hug. "Shh it's alright..." I whisper comforting him.

"I'm here with you and that's all that matters."

I loved drawing the pictures for this! I got so inspired I decided to draw some little cartoons for it so enjoy. 😔

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