Part 1: BenkroTV X Reader

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Universe is based on the book: Among The Imposters By Margaret Peterson, it's a really good book go and read it. Just know some things I will adjust that may not exist in the books universe.

I abruptly stop in the middle of the forest. I pant and sit on the grass to catch my breath. I look behind me and luckily I lost them. I sit up after a couple of minutes and dust myself off. I continue to walk in a random direction to make sure I lost them. Suddenly, I find a brick wall with a house within the walls. I walk around the walls trying to find the entrance, I then find a tiny hole I can just slip into. I crawl through the hole and see an abandoned two story house. It had black walls and a dark brown roof scattered with tiles. I look directly in front of me to see that Iv wandered into a garden that looks to haven't been catered in years. I stomp around trying to get to the side of the fence so I can just jump over it. I finally make it to the fence surrounding the dead garden and hop over it. I wipe the dead pieces of tomato vines and such other things off my pants/socks/stockings/etc. I see that I'm on a layered piece of ground, slightly above a small brick walled maze. Big spruce trees are scattered around the old piece of land. I sigh and sit at a nearby bench to rest, after all Iv been running for the past six almost seven hours. I glance down at my watch. "6:38..." I mutter. "It's almost getting dark." I sit there for another moment, suddenly a little white speck falls onto my nose. I look up, curious then I realize. "It's snowing." I gasp with a slight smile tugging at the side of my lips. I laugh a little and stick my tongue out trying to catch a snowflake. Then it started to get cold. I shiver a little hugging myself under my blazer trying to keep warm. I start strutting over to the abandoned house, hoping no- praying someone was in there. Although I knew there would most likely not be anyone living inside that home. I eventually make my way to the doorstep, slightly lit up by a small lamp that hung above my head. I lightly knock on the door. No answer. "Hello? Is anyone here?!" I ask loudly, my shivering getting worse. It never snows here, this is so... strange. And it's so cold. I knock once more on the door. "Hello?" I hear a voice ask. "W-what is anyone in t-there?" I ask, stuttering. "Yes? Who are you and why are you here?" They growl. I gulp. "I-I got lost and I'm being hunted b-by-" a hand grabs me and pulls me inside. "Hide they might have followed you." He mumbles and shoved me towards a tiny end table in the corner of the doorway. He looks through the peephole of the dark brown wooden door. He had dark green hair that faded to black, a black leather jacket along with black skinny jeans and black strapped boots with some chains hanging on the side of the pants, assuming for a defense mechanism. He glances at me and crouches down towards me. "You alright? You have a gash on your cheek." He says. I nod and rub the side of my cheek feeling a burning sensation as I touch the cut. I hiss in pain and stand up, the pain really kicking in now. "Shit I don't think so." I mutter. "Go sit down on the couch I have a Med kit." I nod and walk over to a velvet red couch. I touch a giant scratch on my neck and groan softly. Then I feel an immense pain in my arm. Fuck I forgot... they shot me. I put pressure on the wound and hiss. A couple minutes later the man walks in with bandages and rubbing alcohol along with other cleansing liquids. "Your in rough shape ma'am." He smirks. I give him a glare. He chuckles. "I'm sorry you must be in some pain." He grabs some rubbing alcohol and a little cloth. "So, tell me about yourself how'd you get caught?" He asks dipping the cloth in the rubbing alcohol. "Well..." I begin with a sigh. "Oh- May I?" He asks. I pause for a moment and nod. He gives me a concerned look for a moment but puts the cloth on one of the open wounds on my cheek. I groan in pain. "I'm sorry." He flinches and pulls back. I shake my head. "Sorry I'm just being a wuss it's alright." He laughs lightly then puts the cloth back on the wound. I swallow hard and bite my tongue. I relax after a little bit and continue talking. "A group of my classmates saw me slipping through a door in my high school, they told one of the teachers." He clicks his tongue. "Dipshits... that's why my parents never let me go to school." My eyes widen. "You've never gotten an education?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I was practically a nuclear bomb in my parents house, they kicked me out because of the population police found out then they would be dead as well." I hum. He pulls the cloth away and puts a little padding onto my cheek. He looks at my left eye and he gasps. "Wow that's a gnarly black eye." He breaths. I gulp. "Is it that bad?" He nods. "It's so black and purple, almost even yellow." My breath hitches. "God I can't even imagine that." I shuffled through a tiny bag he brought with him. He pulls out a pad with string along. He grabs a pair of scissors and pokes tiny holes in the corners of the padding. He makes the scissor cut a tiny hole that goes into the padding so the strings could connect to each other. After tying the strings together he hands me the pad. "It's an eyepatch, it's not professional but it can do the job that's for sure." He says with a crooked smile. I put the makeshift eyepatch on and smile. "Thank you..." "Damier, or code name Benkro." He says. "Y/N code name C/N (code name)." He puts his hand out. "Nice to meet you C/N." He winks. I go out to shake his hand but feel the wound on my neck open even wider. I groan and cup my neck. "Oh- oh god are you okay?" He grabs my wrists and pulls them away. "Son of a... they chipped you they know where we are." He glances into my eyes. "We need to run, as long as they haven't surrounded the house yet." He says and pulls me off the couch. I hiss in pain as the wound stretches once again on my neck. We run down into a secret basement. He grabs a pair of tweezers. "Stay still I'm going to grab this chip and destroy it." He holds my neck softly. I feel something dig into my neck. "Ahh!" I yell out in pain. He puts his hand over my mouth. Tears roll down my cheeks as the tweezers dig even deeper into my neck. Finally the pain stops and he holds a tiny metal disk. He stomps on the disk and opens a door in the cement wall. "Hurry come in!" He says. I run in and...

Youtubers X Female! Reader  No longer updating Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum