BenkroTV X Reader

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Author Chan:
This is slightly Hamilton related so if your a Hamilton fan... you'll get it...

"Raise a glass for freedom!" Damiar laughs, obviously intoxicated as hell. He clinks glasses with a group of men. I sigh and rub my temples. "Damiar we must get back home." I mutter. He glances at me. "Oh come on Y/N~" he slurs stumbling towards me. "You forget yourself Damiar." I chuckle grabbing his arm and march towards the front door of the door. "Every other man gets to grow old, why can't I have one fun night?" He groans. I stop abruptly in my tracks. I adjust my long coat and turn around. "Are you kidding me Damiar?!" I yell. "Your here every night! Every night I have to drag your ass back home, you as drunk as comedy centrals drunk history episodes!" I laugh at the last sentence a little. He rolls his eyes. "But Y/N, f-ive more minutes b-ack there please~?" He stutters over his words leaning on me slightly. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. "You'll take anything to let yourself survive." I mumble. I snatch his arm back and march all the way home. "Your sleeping in your office tonight Damiar." I say and shut his office door. The world has no right to my heart after this man. "Y/N!" I could hear his voice faintly. I walk down the hall, my arms behind my back. I move my arm and lick my fingers, pinching a candle to let it burn out. I hum a tune and continue walking down the hallway. I eventually make it to my bedroom and open the door. "What the fuck-" I whisper. I could see a woman looking through my desk. "Excuse me ma'am who are you?!" I yell. She turns around, now seeing her face. She wore a golden necklace and a long black cloak along with a hoodie covering her head. I could tell she had long brown hair and emerald green eyes. I reach down to my gun holder on my belt. "You have three seconds before I shoot you to the ground!" I say. She runs to my window and jumps out. I run towards the window and look down. She was lying there, limp in the bushes. She's dead! There's no way she could've survived that jump! I sprint out of my room and outside to where my window is. I see her lying there still with a brown bag next to her body. I snatch the bag and open it.
Be careful Y/N, don't lose that man he needs your help.
I pick the woman up and bring her to one of the guards outside the house. "Why was she in her room?" The guard asks, picking her up. "I-I don't know." I breath. "I just walked in a-and she was just there rummaging through my d-desk." I say. He nods. "I will bring her to the dungeon and deal with her in the morning, although I believe she's a sch..." he mutters something incoherent at the end. I nod. "Thank you sir." I smile. He looks at me and smirks. "Just a legaCy to protect ma'am." He walks away down a different hallway. I sigh and sit down on the couch in the large living room. "Y/N." A voice whispers. I turn around and see Damiar behind next. "I'm sorry for being such a dick tonight. I know that I go out every night but it's the only thing that can get you off my mind." He mumbles and sits down next to me. I blush. "D-damiar..." I breath. "Y-you've got me helpless right now." I laugh hysterically. He grabs my hands and kisses the tops of them. "Mon amour." He mumbles. I blush deeply. "I-I-" I get cut off by a pair of warm lips on mine. I blink and blush even more. I slowly melt into the kiss and eventually pull away. "Only 19 but my mind is older~" he says in a flirtatious way. "D-Damiar!" I squeak pushing him away playfully. He laughs and pecks my lips. "What's wrong I'amour~?" He asks. "Nothing mon chéri~" I say brushing my fingers through his hair. He caresses my cheek and kisses it. "Je t'aime." I whisper in his ear. He hums. "Je t'aime plus chérie." He mumbles kissing my forehead.

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