Going Against Each Other

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Susanne was in her room thinking about watching Finn and Brittany having sex. She had a crush on Finn and it broke her heart that Brittany, her friend would betray her like that. Her mental issues starts going way up. She starts talking to herself.

"How could she do that to me? She knows that I had a thing for Finn. I'm mean what does she see in her. What does she have that I don't? Is it because she was a cheerleader? Or she was a blonde? He just has a thing for a blondes. I could've been a blonde. Oh god, what the hell are you saying, Susanne. Well, If I can't have him. She can't have him, either. But Finn said we can't use our powers for murder. I'm sure just one little killing won't hurt him right. I just gotta kill Brittany. Just kill her, and then I'm done with that shit for good. Yeah. Yeah. I'll do that. Tonight." Susanna said to herself.

There was a knock on her door. She opened the door and it was Miguel.

"What do you want Miguel?" Susanne answered the door.

"Um... Who are you talking to?" Miguel asked.

"Myself. Okay?" Susanne said.

"It sounds like you wanna kill somebody. Is that true?" Miguel said.

"No. It's not! God, you need to stop eavesdropping. It's rude." Susanne said as she close the door.

"God. That little fucker." Susanne said under her breathe as she sneaks out of the window.

Brittany received a text message from Susanne and wants to meet up.

"Hey Brit" Susanne texted.

"Hey Sue. What's up?" Brittany texted back.

"Oh nothing much. What about you?"  Susanne texted back.

"Just walking around. Seeing if there's a place on can lay low at." Brittany texted as Susanne found a place for her.

"Hey. I have an idea. My dad owns another house in Hollywood Hills. Meet me at the cafe and I'll show you the place." Susanne texted.

"Okay. Sure. See you there. :)" Brittany texted.

"I got her right where I want her." Susanne said to herself.

In Hollywood Hills, Susanne took Brittany to her dad's rental house, that her family goes there on occasions. She opens the door for her and close it behind.

"Well , here it is." Susanne said as she showed Brittany around.

"Nice. You guys come here often?" Brittany said.

"Yes. Mostly for parties, holidays and special occasions. We should've hang out here sometimes." Susanne said.

"Yeah. That would be great." Brittany said.

"So, why are you leaving your house?" Susanne asked.

"Umm... Susanne. Their something I gotta tell you." Brittany said.

"Oh, I already know." Susanne said.

"You do?" Brittany said.

"Yeah. I'm not stupid." Susanne folded her arms.

"You know that I --" Brittany said as she was interrupted.

"You and Finn." Susanne said.

"What?" Brittany said.

"You two. Together? You know that I liked him." Susanne said.

"I didn't that you like him like that." Brittany said.

"You fucked him didn't you?" Susanne said.

"Sue, I..." Brittany said.

"Don't lie. I saw you two fucking. I watched y'all outside the window."  Susanne said.

"You were watching us?" Brittany said.

"Why? Why did you have to sleep with him?! I trusted you. We were like sisters and you screwed him behind me back." Susanne  hesitate.

"Susanne... Susanne... I need you to calm down." Brittany said.

"I thought I trusted you. But you just... Fucked me over. God. I can't believe I've been so stupid!" Susanne pounds her head.

"Susanne. You have to stop that. You'll damage your brain." Brittany tries to calm her down as she got close to her.

"I can't control it! I can't control it! I can't control it!" Susanne exclaimed.

"Sue. Sue. Look at me! Listen to my voice. Focus on me. We can get you help." Brittany said as she tries to control Susanne.

"I don't need you help." Susanne said as she fends her off.

Susanne use her light powers to blast Brittany away from her distance, as she accidentally impales her on a mounted rack of antlers, killing her. Blood comes out of her mouth and her hearts started to beat.

"Susanne... This isn't you.." Brittany gurgled as she dies on her last year hanging on the antlers.

"Oh shit. What did I just do." Susanne said as she leaves the house.

Amy can see what happen between Susanne and Brittany in her psychic vision and thought Susanne would be too dangerous. So she decided to kill her too. At night, Susanne had trouble sleeping as she thinking about Brittany's accidental death. 

"Come on, Susanne. Easy, girl. Everything is fine. No one will ever find out. Yeah. I think everything will be just fine. Just go to sleep." Susanne said to herself as she close her eyes.

Amy appeared out of nowhere in Susanne's room while she was asleep. Amy use her powers to kill her in a tragic accident. 

"Choke." Amy said.

Her phone charger cord moved by itself and wrapped around Susanne neck while she was sleeping. The cord start to strangle her. She opens her eyes and start gagging as she saw Amy watching her getting choked to death.

"Uh... Amy... Help me!" Susanne gagged while trying to get the cord off her neck.

"Sorry, Susanne. You're out of the team." Amy said while watching her choking.

Soon, air lungs passed out and dies. Amy decides to make her death to look like suicide. She wrote a suicide and apology saying, "I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I just feel like I don't have a life here anymore. I wish things were better, but it won't. I love you." Amy wrote the letter. She even made a noose from her powers and wrapped it around her neck and tied it to a ceiling fan and disappeared.

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