WTF Happened?

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At school, Miles parked his car on the student parking lot. Miles and Louis got out of the car and saw Amy, Brittany, Finn and Susanne talking as the two of them walk towards them.

"Hey, did you guys remember what happened last night?" Miles ask the group.

"All I remember was this guy right there, had a gun at the BonFire, we ran away from beach and saw a weird ass meteor, Amy had a seizure attack and the meteor exploded on us, we both disappeared and now we're all here." Brittany explained the situation from last night.

"I had a seizure attack?" Amy said.

"Yeah and you spoke some weird language that I never heard off." Louis said.

"Well here's an ideal. We go back to the Hollywood sign and see if it's still there. To see if no alien was in there. Would actually be the least surprising explanation of me talking that alien language." Amy said.

"Also nobody's remember going back home last night?" Susanne said.

"No, but I had this weird dream last night. That I saw the Black Speedster. The Black Speedster, he's a villain on The Flash. He's a zombie version of him." Miles explain, but nobody else gets it.

"I've been having a weird vision, too. I saw my brains been pumping irons for some freaky reason. Which I hope that it's a good sign." Finn said.

"Wait a minute, we recorded that meteor." Miles said as he told everybody to take out their phones and see if they still had a video from last night. They all had the video, but it went all static at the end.

"Hey, you guys heard that weird ass message in the background? That was the language you was talking, Amy." Susanne said.

"Great, all of our phones went out before it exploded." Louis said.

"You guys haven't felt weird or different have you?" Miles asked.

"Yeah, people tell me I'm weird everyday." Amy said.

"We gotta do some research on that thing and figure out what planet it came from." Brittany said.

"Yeah, we can talk to anybody what he saw. And we certainly can't post videos on it, online." Finn said.

"Right. Keep it top secret like the agents at the White House. Otherwise the government will come by our houses one by one." Susanne said.

"I gotta go use the bathroom." Amy said as she walked inside the school.

"I gotta get to class." Susanne said as she walk inside the school building too.

"Hey, thanks for looking out for me last night. I'll talk to you later at lunch." Brittany said as she hugs Finn and walks inside.

"Promise me you never talk about this to anyone that I was with y'all last night. By the way, nice fucking car." Finn said as he walks inside.

"Do you think people will not remember that I brought a gun last night." Louis asked Miles.

"I don't think people even saw you, they just heard a gun went off that's all." Miles said.

The bell rang and they both went to their classes. Amy was curled up in a bathroom stall and heard Bridget and Connie talking in the bathroom and laughing.

"I can not believe that you and Dannie did it last night. Was he good?" Connie asked Bridget said.

"I was good. I had to teach him things that he didn't know." Bridget said as she put lipstick on her lips.

"God you're so bad." Connie said.

"You know, I just wish that Susie bitch Gard wasn't such a fucking leftie. God she is so annoying." Bridget said.

"Even that weirdo, Amy what's her last name. Just imagine if her brother was still alive, she would be one of us. Pretty with a little sunshine." Connie said as Amy heard their conversation behind the stall.

"This school would be a lot better if they didn't have people like them. Come on, Brooks is gonna give me detention if I'm late for his class." Bridget said as they both walked out of the bathroom.

Amy scoffed and was about to cut her self again, until she heard an eerie voice calling her name.

"Amy" said an anonymous voice. Amy slowly got out of the stall and follows the sound of the familiar voice. 

"Theo?" Amy said as he walk towards the mirror.

She saw a ghost version of Thao, with white eyes in the mirror and his hand stuck out of the mirror. Amy screamed and as soon as she open her eyes she saw herself in the mirror. She breath rapidly and rush out of the bathroom. In Finn's classroom, he had a hard time concentrating, because of his migraines. He winces on the ringing sound in his ear and rub his head with his finger tips. He keep seeing image of his brain and blood vessels. He got up and ran to the bathroom and splash water on his face.

"Come on, Finn. You got to keep it together." Finn said to himself in the mirror. 

The bell rang and heads to his next class. Susanne catches him up in the hallway.

"Hey, Finn! Try to get your attention in homeroom, but you ignored me."  Susanne said.

"I did, but I had to, because I thought it would be weird. A son of a Republican and a social activist talking like we're friends." Finn said.

"After what happened and you think about being friends is weird. Well, I just wanted to say sorry on what happened between you, Pia and your so called-friends." Susanne said.

"Well speaking of 'so called-friends'." Finn said as Peter, Nigel, Jordan and most of the football walked up to him.

"Some night last night, huh?" Nigel said with a black eyed which was given by Finn.

"You have no idea. Since when did you two start hanging out with Jordan and the bulldogs?" Finn said.

"They told me what happened. So I had a little sympathy for them. So not cool, dude." Jordan said.

"Fake sympathy?" Finn said.

"Come on, man. She was going to tell." Peter said.

"Hey, Jordan. I heard your boys Manny, Ryan and Kevin roofied Brittany that night." Finn said.

"What? That's bullshit. Everyone get's waisted, shit happens. Even though I never did roofied, Brittany and neither did Ryan and Kevin. Girls do make up stuff like that all the time to get attention." Manny said.

"Stuff like that?" Finn said to Manny.

"And you two. I thought you guys were my friends. But you betrayed me and my work." Finn said to Nigel and Peter.

"Look, man. Just say you're sorry. And we'll move on with this thing." Manny said.

"Are you going to apologize to her?" Finn said to Manny on Brittany's rape.

"I ain't got to apologize to that bitch." Manny said.

"And it's not your fault that Pia doesn't think you're a good in bed." Nigel said.

Finn throws a punch at Nigel and the rest of the football guys started to jump on Finn.

"Finn!" Susanne yelled as the whole student body saw the fight.

"Stop it you guys!" Brittany rushed over as the football team break it up. The security came in to stop the fight.

"Hey, that's enough! The three of you in the principal office. Alright everybody shows over. Get to class." the security order as he stop the fight and send Finn, Peter and Nigel to the office. Pia came up to Brittany.

"This is all your fault." Pia said.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Brittany said.

"If you didn't get waisted and accused Manny, Kevin and Ryan of assaulted you, none of this would've happened And our team wouldn't be on jeopardy." Pia said.

"If you didn't cheated on Finn, none of this would've happened." Brittany said.

"I was going to tell him that it was going to be over between us. But you're a lightweight drunk home wrecker slut. Just like your mother." Pia said as he walked away.

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