Too Far

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The next day, after hearing the death of Mark, school has been close till further notice. Beverly Hills is on a curfew and on high alert. Louis texted Miles about their plans on Jordan.

"You heard what happened to Mark?" Louis text Miles.

"Did you killed Mark?"  Miles text back.

"Yes. It was too easy. You should've seen it." Louis text back.

"Damn, Louis." Miles text back.

"We are going to do the same thing to Jordan. Tonight." Louis text back.

"I don't know. I mean the whole city is on high alert. And we got curfew. I mean shouldn't we wait until all this calms down? I don't think we should be doing this right now." Miles text back.

"Really? That dude really fucked us up in the bathroom and you don't want no payback from him. After everything he did to you and what he said to you? You can't let that shit go." Louis text back.

"You know what. You're right. Let's do it." Miles texted back.

"Don't worry. We'll do it before curfew. Besides you are the speedster." Louis text back.

"See you around 6-ish." Miles text back.

Miles put his phone down, takes out his blue mask, looks at it and puts in on as his eyes turn red. Louis was in his bedroom shirtless, making a knife pole where he took a blade knife and taped it with a broom stick. The boys went out to find Jordan and they found him walking by himself in alley in distraught after hearing the death about his friends. He was drinking tequila in a bag and heard noises from behind. He turns around and no one was there. 

"Rats." Jordan said as he continues walking in the alley.

He continues to hear noises like someone is following him. He turns around once again and no one was there.

"Look, pal. If you are planning on robbing me, I'm broke!" Jordan called out the anonymous stalker.

He continues to walk and as soon as he stops. He continues hearing the noise. He also felt a dash of wind behind him. 

"What the ---" Jordan said as soon Louis hit him with a crate and knocked him out.

Jordan wakes up and finds himself in abandoned warehouse with his hands tied up.

"Where the fuck am I?" Jordan said.

Miles zoomed in front of Jordan and revealed himself. 

"Baker? What's up with the creepy mask? Is that your Halloween costume?" Jordan said.

"Remember me?" Louis said as he reappeared.

"Felder? What the hell is this? A magic show? " Jordan said.

"You know that radioactive meteor that came here two weeks ago? It gave us super abilities in our human flesh..." Miles said.

"Drop the act. It was you. You killed Manny, Ryan and Mark." Jordan said.

"Well, I killed Mark, but I had nothing to do with Manny. Miles took care of Ryan." Louis said.

"Y'all feel like y'all heroes?" Jordan said.

"We never said we were heroes. We'll do what we have to, just like what you did to us." Louis said.

"You think just because y'all got powers now. You think you got what it takes to kill them?" Jordan chuckled.

"Shut up." Miles said.

"What you trying to be God, now? Take all of us out, because we didn't like you? What you gonna do? Speed me threw the walls?" Jordan said.

"I said shut up." Mile said.

"I don't think what you're going to do to me is what I did to your black ass and your freaky ass like I did to y'all in the bathroom." Jordan said.

Miles kicked Jordan in the stomach and punched him five times in the face, aggressively as blood came out of his nose. He grabbed him by the shoulders and said, "You know what? It's racist people like you who make this country bad again. The world would be better place if people like you never exist. You talk a lot when you're scared when a black man is getting even with you." Miles threatened him.

"You're fucking bluffing." Jordan winced.

"No. I'm having fun just like you and your boys did in the bathroom that day. Now you're gonna know what it feels like to be a bitch." Miles said as Louis got the knife-pole that he made.

"What is that?" Jordan question.

"Turn him over." Louis said to Miles as he turn him over and pull down his pants.

"What? What? No! No! Stop it! Fuck you!" Jordan screamed.

Miles hold Jordan down as Louis shove the knife pole in his pole. Jordan screamed. "Ahhh!!!" Miles had a sinister smile on his face as he watches him in pain. The knife pole went through Jordan's organ system as Louis shoved it all the way threw his stomach. Louis had a crazy smiled on his face, but Miles smile started to fade away. The knife came out of Jordan mouth and dies.

"Oh shit." Miles said.

"What? Is he... Fuck." Louis said as looked at Jordan dead body with the knife out in his mouth.

Miles checked his pulse to make sure he's dead.

"He's dead." Miles said.

"We gotta to get the fuck up out of here. It's almost curfew." Louis rushed out.

Miles started to have second thoughts on what happened as he look at Jordan dead body.

"Miles, come on!" Louis said as Miles ran out.

The next day, Amy went to a restaurant with her parents as they talk about the kids deaths at Amy school.

"Another news about a student dying. What's new?" Kuki sighed.

"Why does God has to be so cruel?" Haoi said.

"You can't blame God on everything." Amy said as she ate her food and her parents looked at her.

"Well, I hope this death or whatever the hell it is, blows away from this mess soon." Kuki said as she ate her.

Amy saw Kevin, one of Brittany's rapist sitting across from her, having dinner with his parents. She stare at him hard as he drank his drink. She decided to kill him, but this time make it look like he was poison.

"Poison." Amy said.

Kevin started to cough uncontrollably and fell out of his seat. He started having seizure. Everybody in the restaurant got up out of there seats including Amy's parents. Foam start coming out of his mouth and then he was dead.

"Somebody, call 911, damnit!" Kevin's father said.

"Kevin stay with me. Stay with me honey!" his mother exclaimed.

Amy's parents looked shock, but Amy had a smirk on her face watching Kevin's death.

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