Diner House Slaughter

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It was closing time at Jerry's diner. Jerry was leaving Ryan to close the diner as he was about to leave. "Listen, Ryan. I need you to shut the diner right, okay." Jerry said.

"Yeah, Jerry." Ryan said in the kitchen.

"I need everything in order when I get back in the morning. And don't invite your football team over for a late night snack. Or I'm taking out of your paycheck." Jerry said.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Can you please go home already, Jerry. Your wife and kids are waiting for you." Ryan said.

"You heard what I said." Jerry said while Ryan gave him the middle finger.

Jerry walked out of the diner and got in to his car and said, "Damn kids." as he droves off leaving Ryan alone.

Ryan check the cash register and cleared the money out as he took some for himself.  He heard a door slammed, but no one was there. He start wiping all the tables and ones he came out of the kitchen, he saw all the foggy windows having a symbols of a cross with a O and C beside it.

"What the hell?" Ryan looked at the weird symbols on the window.

He felt a wind behind him and heard a quick dash run.

"Okay, who fucking with me? Manny, Kevin, Al? If that's y'all this ain't funny, dudes." Ryan said.

Suddenly, the lights started to flicker.

"Jerry, is that you? Come on, Jerry. You are too old for this shit." Ryan said.

The lights started to flicker again and again as he walked up to the light. 

"Jerry, really needs to get new light bulbs." Ryan said.

Then lightbulb cracked and a piece of glass fell on Ryan face even in his eye.

"Ahh! Fuck!" Ryan winced as a piece of glass got stuck in his eyes.

He pulls it out as he winced and a tear of blood comes out of his eyes. His left side vision was bloody and blurry. He looked around, terrified and he saw a figure in a mask. He got up by and hide behind the counter. He peeked out and he saw the mask figure again that appeared out of nowhere. He grabbed a bat and the figure was gone. He grabbed the bat to protect himself.

"Okay, look man. If you want the money. Take it and get out!" Ryan said.

He heard a swoosh  out of nowhere.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Ryan start swinging the bat.

The swooshing noises kept getting closer to him and the figure kept appearing.

"Leave me alone!" Ryan winced as he ran in the back to the big refrigerator room.

He locked the door behind and he was trapped. For the first time ever he felt terrified, but he knew the intruder wouldn't come in. Until... the masked figured phase throw the door.

Ryan covered his blooded eye to see the figure. It was Miles in his blue mask who had red eyes and was wearing a blue hood. He charged at Ryan with his speed and killed him.

The next morning, Martha was cooking breakfast and Howard was watching the news about the two police that Miles and Amy killed were missing. "And other news two police have been missing for two days including their car."

"Is he awake?" Martha said.

"He called him two times already." Howard said as he grab his coffee.

Miles came down and went to the kitchen.

"Morning." Miles said.

"Hey, honey. You know you going to be late for school." Martha said.

"Yeah. I know I was just up in my room. Thinking." Miles said.

"Thinking about what?" Howard said.

"About last night. Everything." Miles said as he looked on tv about the two police men he killed that night are missing.

"Why don't you sit down. Maybe a ten minutes late won't hurt your permit record, right." Howard said.

At Jerry's diner, Ryan's body was found in the refrigerator door. Police were taking pictures of the crime scene. 

"So the boy didn't come home last night. Didn't respond to any calls or texts." said the lieutenant.

"This was the last place he was ever seen." said the detective.

"This don't look like a robbery. I mean the robber didn't take the money." said the lieutenant.

The lieutenant and the detective went inside the back and saw Ryan's body cut in half.

"Good God." the lieutenant said.

"This looks more like an animal attack." said the detective.

"You talk to the parents?" the lieutenant said.

"Yeah. They are both in a mess right now. The mother is taking it pretty hard as well as the father." the detective said.

"What the hell is that?" the lieutenant said as walk towards the window and breath and saw the symbol that Miles drew out.

At school, Miles catches up with Amy and told her that he saw the police on the news.

"Hey, Amy. We got a problem." Miles said.

"What?" Amy said as he pull out her AirPods out of her ears.

"The families of the police that night. Their families filed a missing report on them. What are we going to do?" Miles said.

"Listen. Nobody is going to find out. Not even the detectives, because he left no evidence. Got it. Just be cool about it." Amy said.

"Right. Just be cool." Miles said as the principal went on the intercom.

"Attention students, please report to auditorium immediately." the principal said on the intercom.

"Come on." Amy said as Miles followed her.

Everybody settle it in the auditorium, Amy and Miles sat with Susanne, Finn and Brittany. 

"It is come to my attention, that Ryan Stallone, has tragically died this morning at his job. For anyone who is having a difficult time this morning please speak to your counselor and tonight's game has been cancelled." said the principal.

Louis came in later and sat down. "What happened?" Louis said. 

"Ryan was killed. His body was found at his job this morning." Susanne said.

"What? Shit." Louis said.

Everybody was returning to their class and Miles pulls Louis to the bathroom and talk to him what happened.

"Yo, Miles what the hell?" Louis said.

"Louis. I did it last night." Miles said.

"What you lost your virginity?" Louis said.

"No. I killed Ryan." Miles confession.

"Holy shit!" Louis exclaimed.

"Shh! Keep your voice down." Miles said.

"Dude, you don't think they caught you on camera do you?" Louis said.

"No, they haven't caught me. I was wearing my mask and went super speed. They couldn't catch anything." Miles said

"Good. You finally took my word." Louis said smiled.

"Yeah. I guess I did." Miles chuckled.

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