Dedicated to all the Beomren shippers out there.

Yiren's POV

Yiren:Good morning,mama. What's that smell?

Mom:Just come over and see it for yourself.

Yiren:My favourite,my soulmate,my everything. PANCAKE!!!

Mom:Hey hey. Get rid off that sarcastic tone of yours and anyway, I don't want a PANCAKE as my son-in-law.(giggles)

Yiren:Don't worry,ma.Your so called son-in-law will be an epitome of a perfect husband.(shrugs)

Mom:Then where are you planning to keep your dad if your husband takes away the number one spot?

Yiren:He will always be number one for me.He was...and always will be.(looks down)

Mom:Don't ruin the mood.(hits my arm playfully)Sorry darling I am running late.See you later,alligator.(kisses my forehead)

Yiren:Wô ài nî(I love you)

*Just go with the flow. I don't know the spelling😅*

~On bus from home to school~

Yiren:Not my day,huh?No seat vacant.(roll eyes)

???:Hey you!

I turned around to see a cute boy. Finally...I think the face mask I used is working.

???:You can sit here. I will just stand.

Yiren:Thank you.(I put back a strand of hair behind my ear)

I sat down and was beaming with happiness when he suddenly spoke.

???:What the hell are you doing there?

Yiren:Hello!Just a minute ago you asked me to sit here.(Wide eyes)

???:Well sorry to break it to you but I was asking this mam who is pregnant to sit there,not you.

Yiren:Sorry.(apologetic tone and pouts)

???:Mam you can sit here and I am really sorry for the inconvenience created by this bafoon.

Yiren:Excuse me.

???: I was just being honest. I didn't
get up for you to park your ass there.

Yiren:You are really getting into my nerves. One last word and I will kick the hell out of you.

???:Try me.(Smirks)

Yiren:AISH. You are really dead.

I grabbed a bunch of his hair and started pulling it. He was taken aback but then started to tackle me.

He grabbed my waist to push me away but failed while I was busy pulling his hair.

Everyone in the bus just stared at us. Nobody tried to stop us,even if one does. That person will be a dead meat.

I don't know how but suddenly we both fell down and that's when an unexpected thing happened.

We kissed.

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