"Uhh...oh god..I'm here to see Minatozaki Sana"

"Oh ok. Your the wife right? Park Jihyo?"

"Yes." The man brought me along to another waiting room. I wanted to see her now. Not wait. If this guy really didn't let me go see her and she died on that hospital bed oh I would kill someone.

"When can I see her?"

"When the doctors are finished. It shouldn't be to long. Thankfully she wasn't nearly in the condition of her friend"

"Who was driving her?"

"Jackson wang. The crash was on his side. That's all the information I know from the accident. There's more people you can ask after, she'll be ok. Just wait ok"

"O..ok" Jackson was dead. For some reason my heart sunk for the kid. The last time I saw him I pushed him away from Sana. He fell and hit the ground hard. "Damn.."

I thought about calling the others but I wouldn't make anyone worry. I made up a damn story.

Momo just wanted to let you know that I ran into Jackson and Sana at a restaurant so if Jeongyeon asks where Sana is tell her we're all hanging out.——

This was stupid. Sana probably broke some bones so Jeongyeon would easily find out about the accident. "Shit..damn it Sana be ok"

"Park Jihyo?"

I looked up at the doctor. "Yes?!"

"She's doing well. The accident was pretty bad. Sadly the driver died but gladly she only experienced many opened wounds due to the glass. The impact gave her a mild concussion so she needs time to rest. When she wakes up you can take her home but make sure there's no lights on and you need to change the bandages on her arms and legs twice a day."

"Ok. Can I see her?"

"Yes. Come with Me"

The room was lit only a tiny bit. Her arm had a pretty big bandage on it. "There's gonna big pretty big bruises on her as well. I can't believe the X-ray found no broken bones. Really a miracle"

The man smiled at me. I just kept my eyes on Sana. Her energetic self looked drained and tired. I got sad. Very sad.

I started crying. He man quietly left me alone with Sana. I put my hand on her cheek. She let of them smallest amount of heat.

If she was with me I wouldn't of even let her go. Jackson wouldn't be dead and she wouldn't be hurt like this. "Sana..your so weak"


Her eyes flashed open. Already?



"Yeah it's me" she smiled. Her hand moved to mine that was already planning on grabbing hers. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired..what happened?"

"You got in an accident. I was at work and got the call so I came to be here"

"Your..so nice. I love you...I don't even remember anything."

"You probably will Remember it tomorrow. Here let's get you a wheelchair and get home"
Where was I going to take her. The new penthouse I bought.

"Park Jihyo"

I turned a woman was standing there. "Sorry to bother you at this hour but I need you to look at this paperwork. Jackson had a request in his will."

"What does it say." Sanas hand tightened around mine. She fell back asleep. "Jackson had a child"

"Your kidding. Right?"

"No. He's a single father" that kid just lost his only parent.

"His will says that if he were to die he wants Minatozaki Sana to raise up his kid" this situation couldn't get any worse. Holy fuck. A kid. How would...god.

Out of my confusion I signed every paper. No way was I going to let that kid go somewhere else other than my hands.

"There's already someone at the house. You just need to go pick him up"


It took two other people for Sana to get into the car.

I had to first drive all the way to Jackson's place thank god it wasn't far.



"My arm feels funny." She reached out to me.
"I'm driving"

"Hold my hand. I feel weird." I drove with one hand the rest of the way.

"We're here. I'll be right back ok."

"Wait where are you going!?"

"Just to grab something. Don't worry"
I made my way to the apartment. Inside a nurse let me in. Must've been someone from the hospital. I guess Jackson didn't have family but why Sana. Yes she's sweet in all but leave her with your child.

The little boy was asleep curled up on the couch. She picked him up and plopped him right in my arms. I had absolutely no idea how to take care of a kid. Uh he was old enough that he didn't need diapers but like...how do you.

What did a child even eat. What did they wear. Oh god. "Here's a person you can call if your having troubles. Have you ever babysat any kid before"


"Ok it's not to hard just do some research online tomorrow morning. Here I made some dinner so you can take that for tonight. Tomorrow you can come pick up more of his stuff" So much shit to do. How was I gonna explain this to jennie.

"Thank you."

The two were both up. The little boy kept asking questions from his car seat that Sana would mumble an answer to occasionally.

"Ok you two we are here"


"Just somewhere to sleep for the night. Sana can you get up on your own?" She nodded.

"Ok. I'm trusting you can do this. I need to get him"

"Ok princess. I'll try my best. I still feel weird."

"I'll give you more medicine soon" the stress started to kick in. Sana opened the door and was able to make it to the door thankfully.
I included the boy and put him on the ground.
"I need to pee"

"Ok hold my hand"

"Oh! Me to Jihyo" god was I taking care of two children.

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