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Jesus christ where do I even begin?
English is not my first language and therefore there will be mistakes - several, I'm sure. Feel free to point them out, but not too much otherwise I might cry.
I'm joking (Eh...)
This whole work was a gift for a good friend of mine who introduced me to BTS - for her birthday, I bought us tickets for the concert and promised to write whatever she wanted. And now every time she texts me with "but hear me out, what if Hoseok was cosplaying i don't know Edward Cullen at a con and you were Bella" I regret all my decisions.
So yeah, I'm still new to BTS, so I'm sorry if my portray of the guys isn't a 10/10. There is only so much google can help me with, and when I google "WHO EATS A LOT BTS" at 2am I don't always get the results I'm hoping for.
Anyway! Enjoy (i guess?)


"So how do you know this girl again?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes, annoyed and slightly offended by his friend's disbelief at the fact that, yes, Kim Namjoon once had a female best friend.

"I'm not telling the whole story again! We were very good friends in high school while she was living with her grandma and when her grandmother passed away she moved back to Brazil with her parents. We lost touch after that."

"Is she hot?"

Namjoon turned to glare at Taehyung, who in his turn just shrugged, casually perched on the kitchen stool watching as Jin cooked a meal that could feed a small country or Jungkook if he was really hungry.

"How is that important?" he asked, frowning.

"It's important." Jimin agreed from where he was lying on the couch, scrolling through his phone "But she can't be too hot otherwise Jungkook will hide in his room and we won't see him the whole time she's here."

Said boy didn't bother answering, blindly throwing a pillow behind him, smashing Jimin's phone against its owner face.

Namjoon took a deep breath, looking around at his friends already starting to regret his decisions. Jungkook and Jimin were lightly wrestling on the floor, dangerously close to turning the coffee table while Jin was trying to keep Taehyung away from the food with a wooden spoon, flailing the object around while the other boy screamed bloody murder every time it hit his fingers. Hoseok was taking a shower, singing some song or another at the top of his lungs while Yoongi just sat at the corner of the living room, his headphones blasting music loudly enough that everyone could listen, and even so he still threw nasty looks at the bathroom door as if he could still listen to Hoseok's rendition of the entire Drake discography.

When you first reached out to Namjoon letting him know you were coming back to Korea for college, he was initially excited. Even though your lack of communication through the years was partly his fault, he did miss you. You had this warmth to you that he had found endearing and charming, even through your awkward teenager phase where charming was the last word anyone would choose to use.

So when you asked if he knew of a good place to stay while you looked for an actual place of your own, he had not hesitated to offer you his place, thinking only of how much he missed you and the friendship you used to share. Looking back at it, Namjoon thought while listening to the symphony that Yoongi's song, Hoseok's voice and the spoon-related threats coming from the kitchen created, that might not have been the smartest decision.

Maybe asking your old friend to come live with you and other six men was not his brightest moment, but it was then too late. The only thing he could do was to make sure that the boys were as presentable as they could be.

"Look, I haven't seen her in years, I don't know what she looks like but I do know that you guys look like you were raised by wolves. Can you please just pretend to be like... I don't know, normal?"

Jin, finally able to scare Taehyung away with his kitchen appliances, rolled his eyes.

"Relax, Joonie." he said "You're too tense, it's almost like you have a crush on this girl or something."

Namjoon scoffed, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing as his voice reached an octave he didn't know it could reach.

"I do not!"

Taehyung arched his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Damn, she must be really hot then."

"Yey!" Jimin celebrated, finally able to escape Jungkook, who now sported a weirdly shaped bruise on his ribs.

"No yeys!" Namjoon stated, pointing a finger at the grey-haired boy "She is off limits!"

Jimin had the audacity to look offended.

"Why are you telling me that?! Tae was the one who asked if she was hot!"

Taehyung just smirked, raising his hands in surrender. He had a look in his eyes that promised trouble and even though Namjoon knew that you were more than capable of taking care of yourself, he still had the urge to spray the younger boy with water and lock him in his room, if only to protect you from his inappropriate flirting.

"She is a good friend and you are not allowed to make a move on her!" he repeated, making sure to sound as serious as possible.

Secretly, he was selfishly hoping that you didn't age well. Dealing with a small crush was easy enough when he was young and knew next to nothing about girls, when you were just a cute albeit slightly weird girl he had a soft spot for. But he wouldn't know what to do with himself if his feelings came back with a vengeance while you were living together.

God, he would probably lock himself with Jungkook until you went away.

So busy mentally preparing himself, Namjoon almost didn't hear his phone ringing, a text notification appearing with a simple I'm here lighting up the screen. Quickly getting to his feet, clumsily knocking the chair and two (thank God!) plastic cups in his hurry, he then rushed to Jimin, fixing the younger boy's hair while fluffing a pillow, a slightly crazed look in his eyes.

"Jungkook, have you made your bed? If you haven't just throw it away, it's too late!"

"But, hyung, she's staying in my room! If we throw away the bed, where will she sleep?"

"Oh my god, I forgot about that." Namjoon, to Jin's deep concern and Yoongi's amusement, looked two seconds away from crying "Jungkook if you haven't made your bed, I'm throwing you away."

Eyes wild with fear, the younger boy quickly got to his feet, rushing to his room ready to throw everything through the window to make sure the room looked spotless, if only to save his friend from an early death.

When the doorbell finally rang, the pillows were as fluffy as they would get and Jimin's hair looked as if it was permanently glued to his forehead. Namjoon took a deep breath, walking to the door as if the devil himself was on the other side of it, cleaning his sweaty hands on the side of his pants. Taking one last look at the room, making sure nothing was terribly out of place, he then opened the door.

And then was aggressively thrown back inside by a very excited girl hugging him as if trying to crush the life out of him.

"Joonie! It's been so long!"

As the girl stepped back to look at him, Namjoon felt as if he had been punched. While gaping at you like a fish, he couldn't be bothered to acknowledge the other boys in the room. Jin had dropped his spoon inside the large pan and was now covered in sauce; Jungkook, who had thrown all his shoes through the window and was now just returning to the living room, took one look at you and quickly rushed back to where he came from while blushing furiously; Hoseok, having finished his shower, seemed to have decided that now was the perfect moment to leave the bathroom with only a towel loosely wrapped around his waist to cover himself, almost dropping it at the sight of you standing by the door.

"Damn, she is hot." and that was Taehyung's contribution to an already awkward reunion.

Namjoon, taking in the sight of his old best friend looking like his wildest dreams while his current best friends surely looked like a nightmare, could do nothing but hold back the urge to join Jungkook and lock himself away.

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