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A shower – that's all you wanted. Just burning hot water melting down the first two layers of skin and hopefully burning away every embarrassing memory of the last twenty minutes or so.

You stripped naked as quickly as possible, throwing your wet clothes on the floor for you to deal later, and rushed to turn on the shower, eyes half-way closed ready to feel the touch of warmth on your skin. It took a few seconds for the water to come out but when it did, making you screech loudly at the freezing cold temperature, you closed the tap as quickly as you could while getting as far from it as possible.

Who in their right mind would shower in that temperature, you did not know, but you had no interest in getting to know them as that was a clear clue to their evil character and lack of principles.

Glaring at the shower, you wrapped yourself around your towel to get a bit warmer while trying to understand the knobs and buttons of the complicated thing, the fact that even getting the water hot seemed to demand a degree in engineering making you even more grumpy. You tried turning a different tap, but it somehow just made the water even colder, which you didn't even know was a thing that could happen.

After trying different combinations of twisting and turning and getting nothing but more frustrated you decided to get help, either from one of the boys or God himself, because one of them were giving you the hot water you deserved even if they had to boil it themselves.

Luckily, as you stepped out of your room the door on the other side of the hall opened at the same time, showing the now dressed Naked Boy, who gaped at the sight of your now naked self.

"Huh" you said, trying to make the whole situation less awkward "How the tables turn, right?"

Naked Boy (Hoseok, you remind yourself) said nothing, just raised his eyes to the ceiling, avoiding eye-contact, the tips of his ears getting slightly red.

"It's Hoseok, right?" and he nodded, still not daring to look at your direction "I'm Y/N."

"It's nice to... uh... Meet you."

"Bet you expected to meet a bit less of me, uh?"

Hoseok spluttered, the corners of his lips twisting just the slightest bit and you counted that as win, as inappropriate as I was.

"Well, at least we're even" he said and you smiled.

"I guess we are" you agreed "but in the interest of making us uneven again and keeping things interesting, could you help me out?"

He then lowered his eyes at you, seeming surprised and intrigued, and you couldn't help but to marvel at how expressive his face was, bright features like a billboard showcasing his feelings.

"See, I can't seem to figure out the shower as I clearly don't have the right credentials to the deal with that beast" you explain and his eyes soften with comprehension, his whole demeanor changing so quickly it almost gave you emotional whiplash "And right now it's so cold I think I would straight up turn into a Captain America cosplayer if I stepped into that thing. I thought about asking the Flirty Duo out there for help but I'm afraid that they might take it as an invitation to join and psh buy me dinner first right?! Anyway, can you help?"

Still with those eyes that went through a billion of emotions in a split second, he grinned and nodded.

"So, how hot do you want the water to be?" he asked as you let him in, still holding tightly to your towel.

"Hot enough to thaw my frozen ass, not hot enough to burn through skin."

"Ah, yes, a fine line." He said, nodding gravely.

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