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The silence in the living room made it possible for everyone to hear you arriving home from the moment you and Taehyung stepped out of the elevator. The boys were all lying around the couch in various states of awakeness, a movie playing in the background that no one was really watching. It was quiet and tense until distinctively drunk giggles broke through the night.

" Tale as ooold as time" that was Taehyung, singing way too loudly and off key to be appropriate for the time.

"Drunk as it can be!" you giggled again, and they could hear you stumbling and crashing down the hallway while your drinking buddy laughed out loud.

"Oh my God are you okay?" Tae asked, unable to keep the giggles out of his voice while you full on cackled.

Jungkook looked at his hyungs, frowning as the sound of keys hitting the door while missing the hole "Should we help them?"

"Try going in the hole!" they heard you say, dead serious as if you really thought you were helping.

"Damn, for real? Let me try..."

When the doorknob rustling started again, Namjoon decided to take pity on them and opened the door, only for Taehyung, who had been leaning heavily against the door, fall in. "It worked" you celebrated, smiling brightly.

Namjoon took one good look at you and instantly regretted. Even in your drunken state, swaying side to side with your heels, you look so pretty it hurt, all curves and dips in your black dress, blushed cheeks and bright eyes. "Y/N..." he called, hoping you could hear in his voice how bad he felt "Can I talk to you in the kitchen for a second?"

He breathed in relief when you nodded, following him while bouncing on your feet, dangerously unbalanced and weirdly chirpy.

"Y/N..." he started, although still a bit unsure of what to say.

"Namjoon..." you repeated, still smiling at him.

"I'm really sorry about tonight. I made plans with a friend weeks ago and it totally slipped out of my mind and..."

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You had a date, I get it. Priorities, right?"

The way you said that, voice still bright and unwavering, hurt more than if you had screamed at him. The fact that you had been so sure about how little you meant to him that it didn't even sadden you anymore, cut deep and stayed inside of him. "No, no, don't say that, that's not true..." Namjoon walked to her and grabbed her hands, holding her fingers between his "I'm just really dumb and forgot about it, but tonight meant a lot to me too."

"But your date..."

"It was barely a date. She was a lesbian, for starters."

You pressed your lips together, holding back your giggles. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh..."

"It's okay, I deserve it."

You allowed yourself to smile when he did too and when he pulled you in by the hand he was still holding you didn't fight it, just sank in to his embrace.

"You won't forget about me anymore?" you asked, voice tiny as the alcohol started to leave your body.

"I won't" he mumbled, resting his cheek against you hair "You're my priority."


"So..." Hoseok started, breaking the silence in the living room "Where were you?"

The other boys tried to pretend they weren't listening, but it wasn't hard to see their bodies leaning slightly towards Taehyung, waiting for his answer. "Outside!" he replied, voice a bit slurred "Did you change the lock? The door was impossible to open, I tried everything!"

"Where did you go with Y/N?"

"We went to the movies! Did you know she had never seen Beauty and the Beast? Insane, right? I told her..."

"Did you get drunk at the movies?" Jin asked, confused.

"Who's drunk? Not me! I only had a couple drinks, I swear, mom." they watched as Taehyung tried to stand up, only for him to trip on his own feet and go down again.

"I'll give you ten bucks if you can stand without using your hands right now." challenged Yoongi, eyes still trained on the kitchen arch through where you and Namjoon had disappeared and had yet to return.

"Money is a social construct, it is meaningless to me!" Taehyung yelled after he failed to stand up.

"You are wearing Gucci!"

"So now I can't criticize a system while taking part in it?"


"We went to a bar, are you happy? We drank to solidify our friendship. Y/N!" he screamed, making everyone flinch at the sheer volume of it "Aren't we best friends forever?!"

"Yes!" your voice echoed from the kitchen "We drank to it and everything!"

Taehyung shrugged as if to say 'there you go'.

"B-but what about that picture? You were holding her hand and all!" exclaimed the maknae, not doing a good job of hiding how upset he was.

"Why do you care?" Taehyung asked and that word triggered a long silence among the boys, who started shifting uncomfortably in their seats.

"We don't." Yoongi shrugged with tense shoulders.

"Then there you go!" Taehyung finally stood up, still a bit unbalanced "No one has a problem with Y/N being my friend and we can continue to hangout and hold hands because you all don't care , right?"

He walked to his bedroom, back turned to the silent leaving room, smirking at the thought of how his plan might impact more than one hyung,


Why do dresses have zippers in the back, you wondered, while clawing your back trying to grasp the cursed little object. You considered sleeping in the damned dress for a second, but it smelled like alcohol and regret and you wanted nothing but to get it off of you.

That's when you heard footsteps outside in the hallway and decided that you might need a hand and you opened the door to find a sad looking Jungkook standing there.

"Kookie!" you called, smiling brightly "Can you help me out please?"

"Uh... Sure?"

You grabbed his hand and dragged him to your bedroom, quickly turning your back to him and missing his perplexed expression "Can you help me with the zipper?"

Jungkook froze "Uh?"

"I can't reach it, can you help me?"


"I can ask Hoseok..."

"No!" he lurched forward, resting his hands on your shoulders "I can do it, I'm good with... Uh... Zippers?"

Fighting the urge to facepalm, Jungkook gently pushed your hair aside, trying his best not to focus on the elegant curve of your neck. "I hope you don't mind the tattoos" you said and he almost cried. Of course he didn't mind, what he did mind was all the daydreaming material they would provide.

He gently started to pull down the zipper, uncovering very slowly tiny bits of soft freckled skin, fighting the urge to lean in and kiss it, tracing the constellation of marks with his lips. Just as ink started peaking out, Jungkook was pulled away by a hand on his shoulder that belonged to a very angry looking Namjoon.

"What on earth are you doing?!"

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