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Three weeks went by before things started getting weird.

In those three weeks, you got a lot closer to the boys, as it was only natural, since there was always at least one of them by your side.

Early mornings and Tuesdays, for example, belonged to Yoongi. Every day he would shuffle into the kitchen, dragging his feet around with a scowl on his face and by the time his first cup of coffee was gone, your fingers would already be intertwined, much to some of the other boys' chagrin.

Tuesdays were your day off. You hung around the living room, finishing assignments and working on projects, soaking up the sun coming from the window like a cat. On the first Tuesday, Yoongi didn't leave his room the entire day, making you worried to the point where you texted Namjoon " I think Yoongi is dead" to which he only answered " WBK" . Later, he explained that his hyung would easily lose track of time while working on his music, forgetting to eat, sleep and most importantly leave his room. On more than one occasion, they had to make Jungkook throw the older boy over his shoulder and carry him hissing and kicking towards the living room, just so he could get out even if for a few minutes.

On the third Tuesday though, Yoongi left his hiding spot about halfway through the afternoon and joined you in the living room. He didn't say anything, just sat on the couch with his laptop and headphones frowning and sighing every few minutes in deep frustration. And even though his face was slightly contorted in anger, in your artist's eyes he looked so beautiful, the light hitting his grumpy face just right, that you just had to drop your works in progress to get a fresh blank piece of paper and start sketching his handsome features. Despite seemingly being very bothered by something, Yoongi was surprisingly still, so drawing him was no trouble at all. Halfway through the coloring process though, much to your despair, he reached the peak of his anger and decided to run his fingers through his hair, messing your perfect reference picture, his locks falling into a different position and changing completely ever single shadow and light you had previously painted.

" No!" you exclaimed loudly, scaring him and making him jump. Quickly standing up, you walked to him, reaching for his soft hair to rearrange it exactly as it was.

"What are you doing?" he exclaimed, eyes widening at how close you stood, but not backing off.

Truth is, Yoongi had the slightest soft spot for you. He would never admit it, not even to himself, as he had a reputation to uphold, but your company was oddly soothing and exhilarating at the time. It was like your mind had an alarm, tuned to him, knowing exactly when he would prefer a quiet company to long, quick-witted conversations. Like you had some sort of muscle memory from a past life together, that your body just knew when to reach for his hand and when to give him space. Yoongi appreciated how in synch your newly found weird friendship/marriage was.

If asked, he would deny the whole thing. No sir, I do not like how small her hands are compared to mine, that's nonsense, I absolutely do not have a thing for her tattoos, not at all, not this Min Yoongi. Having inappropriate thoughts over a cup of coffee every time you walked into the kitchen with your sleeping shorts? In this economy? No, not at all.

"I was painting you" you explained, still playing with the strands of his dark hair "And then you decided to mess with your hair out of nowhere and moved the whole thing."

"I'm sorry?" he offered, still surprised by the thought that you decided to paint him of all the things.

"You should be!" you huffed, going back to her place by the coffee table "Don't you dare moving"

"That's cool, I'm not really into the whole moving thing anyway"

You cracked a tiny smile, not looking up from your work. He watched you for a few seconds, observing your hand flying across the paper, tongue peaking out in concentration. "Hey, /N" he called out after a while and you hummed in acknowledgement "Why are you painting me?"

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