chapter 1

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"Home sweet home".
"Yeah let's not call it that just yet Em, we might have to move again". "Your right I'm getting really tired of hopping places". "Same well I'm gonna go and get the rest of the luggage".


"All of you get your gear on only 30 minutes before we leave to the cabin in the woods and get back what they stole".
"Yes boss" the crowd said in union cheering.

I head back to my room to suit up. I'm so tired of people stealing if it's not yours dont touch it.

I feel like today is just a good day aside from the whole getting back what was taken from me. I'm not sure how to explain it but it just feels great.

I head back downstairs excited
"Boss why are you smiling"?
"Today just feels good Danny, ready to get this over with"? "Yes boss" Danny responds.




"Ok Emiley I got the rest of the bags can we go hunting now? I'm hungry".
"Yeah its dark enough let's go"
"Can you be a little more enthusiastic"
"Ugh finnnee" Miley drags on.
"Let's go" I said.

I have no idea why Miley always try's to make my mood better every day. I've lost everything but at least I have my best friend so that's gotta count right?
Ever since I lost my family and pack it's really effected me but I'm trying to live with it.

I shift into my wolf once me and Miley made our way to the tree line.
"Race you deeper into the woods"?
"You always challenge me and I always beat you. Vampires will always be faster than wolves".
"WAIT I smell something but faint smells human like so be careful".

Who am I kidding that scent smells fantastic its like an Ocean type of smell mixed with wild flowers maybe it's my mate. But I dont have time for one.
Suddenly I hear growling in my head.
"Correction you will always have and make time for your mate". "Oh hush it Tank focus we are here to hunt not find love"."growls" I roll my eyes and push his thoughts out of my head while shifting back to human to talk to Miley.

"Ok stay quiet I've got my deer".
"Umm no that's my deer" Miley said.
"Sister I will snap you neck its mine"!.
"And what good will that do I'll just come back to life".


"Ok everyone make sure you have your scilensors on your guns".

As I'm walking threw the woods a little deeper to get to the cabin behind my gang members I start to hear bickering.

"But at least I'll have the deer".
"But I saw it first"!.

I talk threw my ear piece to Scarlet and Danny telling them to lead and that I'll be back.

As I'm taking out my 2 pistols that were strapped to each of my thighs I slowly walk behind and towards the 2 girls pointing them at the back of their heads.




"Oh my god she smells so good Emiley please let's take her home".
"No Tank".

I mind link Miley
"You know what to do since your fast".
"Finally some real action watch this Em".

Miley turns around lightening fast taking both pistols and hitting her in the back of the head with the butt of the pistol.

"What the hell I didn't tell you to kill her"! I yelled.
"Oh relax she's still breathing".

"Wimpers". Its ok Tank
"No it's not our mate is hurt take her back home"!.
"Fine but I dont want to hear anything else from you".

As I block Tank back out I can feel his tail wagging in the back of my head so fast I could get whip lash if that's possible.

"Alright Miley I'm gonna take this girl back to the apartment you catch that deer wherever it went and come back".
"Wait take my jacket since your naked and my basketball shorts".
"I will never understand why you wear shorts under your jeans".

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