Jasper stands on the balcony with Alice as Renesme plays on the piano. He and Alice have been trying to figure out why she hasn't seen any visions since before Renesme caught that snow flake with Jacob and Bella in the clearing.

He hears a second strange heartbeat as Bella pulls back up and he smells a familiar scent.

"No," Jasper whispers and he smiles.

"Jasper Whitlock-Hale!" Athens yells as she gets out. "Get your butt down here, now!"

Jasper smiles even wider and he jumps down, he hugs the vampire tightly.

"Mammma?" Didyme asks as she gets out.

Jasper looks ar Didyme quickly and his breathing stops, as if he needed it.

"Jasper, this is my daughter. She is the same as Bella and Edward's, just two months older," Athens says. "Didyme, darling, this is your uncle Jasper."

"Hello, uncle Jasper," Didyme greets.

Jasper hasn't spoke a word and Rosalie comes bundling out, she hugs Athens and then she kneels down to Didyme.

"I'm your great great great grandmother via marriage," Rosalie greets. "My name is Rosalie."

"I am Didyme Volturi," Didyme introduces.

"There she is!" Emmett booms as he comes strutting out and he sees the other hybrid with a strange heartbeat. "Hey, kiddo."

"Are you Rosa's husband?" Didyme asks.

"Indeed I am," Emmett replies.

"So, you are my great great grandpa?"

"Great great great grandpa," Athens corrects her daughter. "Hi, Emmett."

"Hey, Athens," he greets. "Come in."

"What's going on?" Carlisle asks as the family and Jacob gather around the living room on the main floor, Athens told them her rare second ability and Alice laughed. "Why are you back? I'm happy you are and I'm glad to meet Didyme, but still... Why?"

"We come with a warning," Didyme says from beside her new best friend, Renesme. "The Volturi come when the snow sticks."

"Irina Denali saw Renesme catch a snow flake, Didyme saw it as Aro read it," Athens says. "They think Nessie is an immortal child."

Didyme takes Nessie's hand. Nessie smiles at her new friend as Edward sits with the girls on the piano bench.

"Mamma and I are Switzerland," Didyme says. "We stay away from the clearing when they come."

"You can stay here," Esme coos. "I have plenty of love to give, and food."

Didyme giggles and she smiles. "Awesome! Mamma, possiamo restare? Tenente?"

Athens smiles and she nods. "Sì, il amore mio."

"Te amo, mamma," Didyme coos.

"Te amo, principessa," Athens says and she glances at Alice, and closes her eyes. "I unblocked your ability."

"Thank you," Alice says as wet dog fills the house. "Jake's here!"

Nessie giggles and she runs over to Jacob, and he lifts her up. Jacob looks last the Cullens and he spots Athens and a girl that's Nessie's size.

"Hey, Jacob," Athens greets.

"Hey," Jacob greets in return.

"Didyme, this is Jacob, Jacob, this is Didyme.... my daughter," Athens says.

Jacob nods in greeting before he speaks; "you want to come outside with me and Nessie, Didyme?"

Didyme looks at her mommy with hopeful eyes. Athens nods, granting her permission. Nessie wiggles out of Jacob's arms and she runs over to grab Didyme's hand before dragging her to the back yards. Jacob nods in greeting once more toward Athens before he goes to watch the kids to make sure nothing bad happens while they play.

Edward walks in and he freezes when he spots Athens.

"Hello," Athens greets. "Carlisle, can you fill Edward in on all that's been learned since Didyme and I arrived?"

The coven leader nods and Athens goes upstairs, and she walks out onto the balcony as the full moon shines down on her. The vampire closes her eyes, wondering if anyone is fighting the moon men or are they being ignored with the whole Cullen situation that's got the Volturi in an uproar?

Athens watches as Nessie and Didyme play together, smiling and laughing. Athens meets eyes with the shifter, and they both sigh.

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