Chapter 12

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       It has only been two days, and Didyme already looks around three to four months old. She's in Marcus's arms in the throne room once more; he was made her god father by Caius, Caius knew that Athens would agree.

Jane flashes into the throne room, the three Kings loft their heads quickly at the sudden company.

"She's waking up," Jane announces.

The kings walk with grace through the halls, humans would think they were flying with the grace of their stride. Caius takes Didyme from Marcus and hands her to Demitri.

"Take her back to the throne room," Caius informs him. "I'm not quite sure how Athens will be when she wakes."

Demitri takes the baby and he nods. "Of course, sir." He smiles down at the child as he walks out of the room.

Caius walks over to Athens and looks down at her. Her hair as regained its dark color. Her tanned skin only colors some, but she remains pale before her eyes snap open. Instead of being the beady brown she had as a human, they're a dark crimson. Almost black.

Athens is scared, terrified until she meets eyes with Caius. When their crimson eyes meet, the fear slowly fades away and worry fills her.


"She's fine," Caius promises. "Demitri has brought her to the throne room."

Athens stands slowly and she walks over to a mirror Toni has put into the room. The newborn vampire looks at her dark crimson eyes and she feels a tickle in her throat.

Heidi walks in with two humans. "For you, Miss Ricci."

Athens smells the blood pumping through the veins of the two humans, and she licks her lips hungrily. Caius smirks as Athens sinks her fangs into one and drains them, and does the same thing to the next.

"Now," Athens says as she wipes the blood from her lips, "I want to meet my daughter."

Caius smiles. "Of course."

The kings lead Athens to the throne room where Demitri awaits.

"Hey, you," Demitri greets. "You look amazing."

Instead of responding with words, Athens walks over to him and looks at the baby in his arms.

"How long was I out?" She asks.

"Two days, but it seems Didyme has accelerated growth," Aro replies. "We've been keeping an eye on her."

"Love," Caius speaks. "I have you a flight booked for tomorrow to Seattle, Washington for Edward's wedding."

"Thank you," Athens says and she looks at Demitri. "What are you wearing for? The next full moon?"

Demitri smirks before he passes Didyme to her mommy. Athens smiles lovingly at her baby and Didyme does the same. The baby reads her mommy's mind, a mind reader.

"Aro," Athens says as she looks at him. "Do you know her ability?"

"I do," Aro says. "I learned yesterday... Little Didyme here is a mind reader."

Athens smiles and she looks at the decorated window, it's daylight and she frowns.

"Your plane leaves at night fall," Caius says. "Jane has you some brown contacts for your flight; Alice Cullen is supposed pick you up. Apparently, Rosalie and Jasper Hale don't know about your return yet."  

Athens nods and she looks at Didyme. "I wonder if I can see Didyme now, instead of just speak with her."

"You spoke with my wife?" Marcus asks.

"Yes," Athens replies with a smile. "She told me about her death."

"Did she?" Aro asks. "Maybe you can see her now, too."

"Perhaps," Athens says and she sits in Caius's throne. "Sorry, love."

"Stai bene, amore mio," Caius coos. "You sit there as long as you life."

"Where is Heidi with he next crowd?" Marcus asks. "I am rather parched."

"I am, too," Athens says and Alec comes in, and he freezes as he smells the sweetest smell of a Japanese cherry blossom. "Oh please... Is Didyme your mate, Alec?"

Alec doesn't speak, she stares at the baby in horror. This was the last thing he expected.

"That answers your question," Caius muses.

"Alec, can you take Didyme to the nursery?" Athens asks.

Alec nods and he walks up. "Yes, Queen." Alec takes Didyme and he leaves the room.

"Sweet kid," Athens comments before Heidi walks in. "Ooh! Thank you, Heidi!"

Heidi holds her jealousy of Athens becoming a vampire at bay and smiles. "You're welcome, Athens. Congratulations on vampirism."

The only ones who know about Didyme are the twins, the Kings, Antonio, and Sulpicia. They all agreed the fewer people who know about Didyme, the better, and the safest for her safety.

Demitri drives Athens to the airport. The new vampire didn't want to leave Didyme behind but she promised Alice she'd come to Edward and Bella's wedding. Plus, Didyme is the Volturi's top secret to stay safe.

"Are you sure I have to go?" Athens asks.

"Go!" Demitri laughs, he is parked in front of the airport in Florence, the half moon is high. "You promised Alice. Plus, Didyme will be just fine. She might be aged some more but she will be fine."

Athens gets out of the car and slams the door closed before she can change her mind... Again. She walks into the airport and she immediacy suffocates on the intoxicating human blood until she sports a familiar buff guy from Forks.


"Emmett?" Athens says through clenched teeth as she approaches him.

The American vampire smirks as he faces his favorite newbirn. "Hey, Athens."

"Can we - - can we get out of here?" Athens grunts.

"Oh, I forgot, you're new and this place is crammed to the brim with humans," Emmett mutters. "Let's catch a flight to Seattle. Alice and Carlisle are waiting."

"Flight 199615 to Seattle, Washington boarding now!" A masculine voice says throughout the airport. "Flight 199615 to Seattle, Washington boarding now."

Emmett grabs Athens's hand before he drags her to boarding after her duffel bag is checked. Luckily for the Volturi money and Cullen money, Athens and Emmett are sat together in first class, and are the only ones so Athens can breath.

"Do Rosalie and Jasper know I'm coming?" Athens asks when she knows she won't go to coach and kill every human on this flight.

"No, they don't," Emmett replies. "They're the only ones beside Bella who don't know you're coming."

"I bet Bella will be thrilled," Athens says sarcastically. "Especially when she learns it was her fiancée who invited me."

Emmett smiles as he lays back. "How long are you in Forks for this visit?"

"Until the fifteenth," Athens says. "I'll be there an extra day after the wedding."

"Yay!" Emmett boasts before the pilot says they can unhook their belts and he does. "Might as well get comfy; this is going to be a loooo no ride."

Since she's not around the mind reading Edward, Athens things about Didyme. She knows she has to block out her thoughts when she's around her mind reading ex, so she thinks of her daughter while she can.

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