Chapter 19

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(Media : Didyme Marisol Volturi)
Several months later.

"Mom! Mom!" Didyme exclaims excitedly as she runs into the throne room, her mother is sitting at the table reading a book. "Can we go to the garden? Please, please, please!"

"Of course we can, Didyme," Athens coos as she looks at her daughter who now looks seven. "Let me get prepared."

"Didyme," Caius says in his usual caring town when Athens goes to grab herself a hooded cloak. "Have you eaten?"

"Yes, father, I've ate," Didyme replies. "Demitri made sure of it."

I sure did, she threatened to kill me.

"Demitri, you should watch your thoughts," Didyme scolds and he smirks. "I read minds, you know."

"How can I forget when you keep reminding me?" Demitri asks back jokingly as Athens returns in her cloak.

"Dai mamma!" Didyme exclaims, practicing the Italian that Marcus has been teaching to her. "Andiamo! Fretta, fretta!"

Athens smiles at her daughter and leaves the throne room with her and with Demitri. Athens pulls her hood up to hide from the sun and so does Demitri as the group of three head outside. Didyme runs into the gardens ahead of her mom and their guard and she stops at a gorgeous purple flower. She moves to the dragon flowers by the time Athens approaches.

"The dragon flower is beautiful, isn't it, lovey?" Athens asks her daughter.

"Oh, yes, most definitely," Didyme replies. "Can we go see the roses?"

Athens places a loving hand on Didyme's back, between her shoulder blades, and leads her to the rose🥀 garden. Didyme runs to a bush with red roses and she is in love. Athens sits in a stone bench near the black roses. She had a witch named Aurora Volturi use magic to grow them, they're Athens's favorite.

"Queen Athens, Princess Didyme," Felix says as he comes rushing out, "you're needed in the throne room. There is a visitor on the way. The kings don't know."

The mother and daughter duo look at each other before the follow Felix inside. Didyme is very bright and be straight up fierce when need be. She is just like her father that way, especially now since she is learning the vampire society rules in the supernatural library. Jane has been helping Didyme with her studies.

"Dad!" Didyme chirps as she runs over to the man who is now standing at the table with Marcus.

Athens removed her cloak, leaving herself in some black jeans, a crimson blouse, and her biker boots. She sits in a chair beside Aro and she skims the book he has open when the doors open, is Felix leading in Irina Denali. Athens recognizes her, she is a cousin of the Cullens.

"Didyme, come here," Athens demands and she runs over.

"What do you want?" Caius asks in his usual hard tone, a tone that Didyme herself has when she's mad.

"Spit it out!" Didyme demands as Irina hesitates.

"Did," Caius coos warily.

"I'm here to report a crime," Irina says. "The Cullens..."

Their name alone makes Aro close his book.

"They've committed a crime," Irina says breathlessly.

Aro stands and he flashes over as Marcus and Caius watch curiously. 

"An unforgivable crime..." Irina hesitates to say this after seeing Didyme.

Aro takes Irina'a hand and Didyme listens in on Aro's thoughts.

"Didyme, what is it?" Athens asks her daughter.

Didyme walks over to her mom and whispers it into her ear. Athens's eyes widen as she looks at the back of Aro's head, shocked as hell that the Cullens could have possibly turned a child but what if they didn't? What if the child came out like Didyme, when Bella was still human?

But that would mean Bella's dead, a vampire, and that the Cullen/Quiluette treaty is now void.

"Get her out of here," Didyme demands. "When we gather...."

"Witnesses," Marcus whispers.

"Witnesses," Didyme repeated strongly, making her parents smile proudly as Aro looks proud, too, and Irina worried. "When we father witnesses, we will need her. Uncle Aro, what do we do with her?"

"Let me think on that, darling Didyme," Aro coos to the hybrid child as he strokes her golden hair. "Let me think and I'll get back to you."

The princess of the vampire world smiles and runs over to Didyme. "Mom? I'm hungry."

"Demitri, come on," Athens says as she stands, Irina's eyes widen. "We need to feed girl wonder."

Demitri chuckles as he and Alec follow the pair out of the throne room.

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