Chapter 20

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          "You guys better go to Forks," Caius says to his wife and daughter, Didyme grows excited to meet her mom's family. "You can warm your family but regardless of who's side you're on, we will be there when the snow sticks."

"You know we are Switzerland," Didyme says to her father. "You're both of our families. You guys and the Cullens."

"I know, darling," Caius says and he kneels to her level. "Either way, you watch out for your mom in Forks."

"You know I will, dad," Didyme states.

"Molto bene, principessa," Caius coos and he stands, facing his wife. "I love you, Athens."

"I love you, too, Caius," Athens says and she kisses her husband. "We'll be fine. They'll take us in."

Demitri walks both mother and daughter into the garage, which is above ground. The sun is out, so he's being more than careful with his queen. The Cullens all know she's a queen now, she married Caius. But none of them know that she and Didyme are coming. Well, Edward and Bella do.

Athens spoke with Bella, saying she was coming with a surprise. Bella asked if she could tell Edward, Athens didn't care. Bella and Edward promised to keep Athens's return a surprise until she arrive at the house after Bella or Edward picks her up. No one knows which yet.

"Buckle up back there, Princess," Demitri says to the seven year old looking girl in the backseat of the very tinted car, and Didyme obeys. "Thank you, Princess Didyme."

"Please refrain from calling me Princess," Didyme instructs in a soft tone. "I am just a girl who is part vampire and part human with powerful parents. I am no Princess."

"Whatever you say, Didyme," Demitri says.

"Quit thinking Princess Didyme in your head, you dumb-dumb," Didyme grumbles and the vampire shuts his mind off. "That doesn't help but it's better."

"Athens!" Bella calls.

The red eyed vampire with sunglasses walks up to the golden eyed vampire with her blonde daughter by her side.

"Bella," Athens coos as she walks over. "You look amazing! Even better as a vampire."

Bella looks at the child and gasps. "Is this...?"

"My daughter, and the reason I am a vampire sooner than I had planned," Athens replies. "Isabella Cullen, meet my daughter, Didyme Volturi. She was born around your wedding so she's about two months older than your child or the immortal kid."

"She's not immortal," Bella says as the trip gets into Bella's car, Didyme fastens her seatbelt. "I had her when I was still human like you did with Didyme."

"Edward's?" Athens asks and Bella nods. "I bet she's beautiful."

"She truly is," Bella admits. "My dad and Sue Clearwater made it official a while back. Sue lives with him in Forks."

"It's good to be here, but I have to tell you guys something later," Athens says.

"Auntie Bella?" Didyme speaks up.

"Yes?" Bella asks in a gentle tone that makes Athens smile.

"Can we listen to some American music?" Didyme asks and Bella turns it to a classic rock station, Didyme dances around in the backseat.

"I have a new ability I learned about recently," Athens says. "I can block out other abilities."

"Which is why Alice hasn't been able to see the future?" Bella asks and Athens nods. "Awesome."

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