Chapter 17

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***** In the media is Didyme until I add another <3 ******

        Athens gets off the plane in Florence, and he walks through the Italian airport with some dark eyewear Alice sent with her because she forgot her contacts. She spots Felix waiting with a sign with Athena Volturi written on it.

Even though she is not quite a Volturi yet, Athens knows that Felix is there for her. Demitri is with Didyme, or else he'd be there for his friend. He's missed Athens.

"Hello, Felix," Athens greets.

"Hello, ma'am," Felix greets in return. "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Athens replies with an exasperated sigh. "I am in need of a shower; I reek of airplane."

Felix smiles and he nods. "You do."

The pair somehow manage to get to the tinted up car without being touched by the sun rays. If it had touched them, they'd have lit up like disco balls. Then that lead to hell from the Kings, even for Athens.

The hot water pours over Athens's head and a relaxed sigh leaves her lips. Demitri is sat in her room with a two year old looking Didyme, waiting. He knows that Athens will want to see her baby girl.

Athens dries off when the water is off and she is on the cement store of the bathroom. She dresses in some clean underwear, a black dress that has no back, just lace. She brushes her hair before going into her room.

"Mommy!" Didyme exclaims s as she runs up.

Athens gasps and she lifts Didyme up. "Oh, my princess!"

Didyme clings to her mom and sighs in happiness.

"Welcome back," Demitri states.

"Put my heels at my feet," Athens says. "I want to see Caius."

Demitri does as he is told; Caius told him he is Athens and Didyme's permanent guard now that she's here. Felix stays with the Kings and Sulpicia while Demitri is with Athens and Didyme. Demitri places some crimson heels at Athens's feet and she slides her feet into them.

"You ready for see your mate?" Demitri asks.

"I was ready as soon as I left the castle a week ago," Athens replies.

Demitri smiles before they walk down the halls. They pass by a now red eyed Heidi, alone. The two vampires smirk at one another before Demitri leads Athens and Didyme onto the well known elevator, it takes them underground and Demitri knocks on the throne room doors.

Aro sighs inside. "Enter!"

Demitri pushes the doors open and he leads his favorite people in. Caius's eyes light up when he sees his mate and he rushes over and hugs his mate and child instantly. Aro smiles.

"Ah! You're back!" Aro muses. "That's great."

"How was it?" Caius asks Athens, whom has a tight hold on Didyme.

"The ceremony was beautiful, I was best man," Athens replies. "I found out that Emmett is my great great grandfather. Met Bella's parents and her friend, Jessica. I wish I could have brought Didyme."

Caius touches his hand to Athens's cheek. "I know."

Athens looks into his crimson eyes with her home and looks past him, seeing the dead Didyme by Marcus. "Hi, Didyme."

"Hi!" Didyme greets. "You Can see me, cant you?"

"I can see you beside Marcus," Athens says and she puts baby Didyme down, who goes to play with a wooden horse that Alec made for her and she goes to stand near Caius's throne. "My love."

Caius smiles as he sits back. "I'm right here." He grabs Athens's hand when it rests on his shoulder. "Meet me in the rose garden when the moon rises and the sun sets."

Athens changes into a a looser skirt that falls to her ankle, brown in color, and a black tank top with a black cloak for looks. She brushes her long hair as she finishes off a blood bag. She told Aro she wants blood bags, she doesn't want to kill people like they do, and Aro had respected her choice. He has blood bags sent to her once a week. Or, he's promised to.

Athens steps out of the room and she finds Demitri, Didyme is with Alec. Demitri and Athens walk outside and go toward the gardens. Demitri goes into true guard mode at the gates of the rose 🥀 gardens, facing out. Athens smiles before she enters the rose gardens and she finds Caius in the gazebo, where the glow in the dark butterflies light up the area.

A green glowing butterfly lands on Athens's extended hand as she walks onto the gazebo, where Caius is watching her with some of the most loving eyes anyone has ever seen in a Volturi, except for Aro when he first saw Sulpicia.

"I know that when you first came here was for a feeding, in that tour group with Chelsea," Caius begins to speak as he walks up to a beautiful Athens. "But once I stopped at you, you're blood smelled different to me. It was more alluring, but I knew if I'd have killed you, I'd have been killing myself. You were my blood singer." Caius smiles. "I love you, Athens ricci." Caius gets some on both of his knees and he grabs Athens's left hand and he pulls a ring from his cloak pocket, he opens it amd reveals a beautiful ring. "Athens Hale Ricci, will you marry me and become my bride and a queen of the vampire world?"

"Yes!" Athens exclaims rather cheerfully. "Yes, I'll marry you!"

Caius slips the ring on his new fiancée's finger and he stands up and he picks Athens up in a hug at the same time. Athens wraps her arms around Caius's neck, not wanting to let go. Caius's arms are wrapped securely around Athens's body as the two hug, not growing tired of each other.

Demitri turns his head and he smiles. There's going to be a Volturi wedding. It'll be big.

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